Урок 80802
В тексте есть встроенный словарь. В любой момент вы можете нажать на незнакомое слово, видео остановится, и появится перевод этого слова. Когда вы закроете словарь, видео снова продолжится с того места, где вы остановились.

Примечание: возможно, кому-то будут удобны спаренные (en-ru) субтитры с художественным переводом (ru). Эти субтитры
What kind of a pizza place only serves 1 kind of pizza.

Must be a San Francisco thing.

Still, it's not as bad as the soup at that diner in Nebraska.

Oh, yeah. The spoon stood up in the soup by itself.

That was disgusting.

We're good. Family's running.

The drive out was pretty fun.

What was your favorite part?

Spitting out (spit out фраз. глагол — плеваться) of the car window.

Definitely not when Dad was singing.

Wearing the seat belt.

Oh. What about the time with the dinosaur.

Oh, that's the one.

That was great.

Say cheese.

Dad. Dad. Dad - Honey.

Dad, look at the car.

Just look behind you.


No! Ah.

Nice one, Joy.

I like that time with the dinosaur.

That was pretty funny.

Wait, what. What happened?

She did something to the memory.

What did you do?

I-I just touched it.

That shouldn't make it change.

Oh. Change it back, Joy.

I'm trying.

You can't change it back?

No. I guess I can't.

Good going (молодец), Sadness.

Now when Riley thinks of that moment with Dad, she's gonna feel sad. Bravo.

I'm sorry, Joy. I don't really know. I thought maybe if you, if you, I mean...

Joy. We got a stairway coming up.

Just don't touch any other memories until we figured out (figure out — разбираться, выяснять) what's going on.

Okay. Alright.

Get ready. This is the monster railing and we are riding it all the way down.

Wait, what. What happened?

A core memory!

Oh no.

Sadness, what're you doing?

It looked like one was crooked.

So I opened it and it fell out.



It's just that. I want to, maybe.

Hold one.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Sadness. You nearly touch a core memory.

And when you touch them, we can't change them back.

Oh, I know. I'm sorry.

Something's wrong with me.

I... It's like I'm having a breakdown (нервный срыв).

You're not having a breakdown.

It's stress.

I keep making mistakes like that.

I'm awful.

No, you're not.

And annoying.

They, well... You know what.

You can't focus on what's going wrong.

There's always a way to turn things around (фраз. глагол — изменить, исправить).

To find the fun.

Yeah, find the fun. I don't know how to do that.

Okay, well. Try to think of something funny.

Oh. Remember the funny movie where the dog dies?

Oh, yeah. That's not... Oh.

What about that time, with Mag.

When Riley laughed so hard, milk came out of her nose.

Come on.

Yeah, that hurts.

It felt like fire.

It was awf...

Okay, okay.

Don't think of that. Let's try something else.

What're your favorite things to do.

My favorite?

Well, I like it when we're outside.

That's good! Like, there's the beach and sunshine.

Oh. Like the time we buried (закапывали) Dad in the sand up to his neck.

I was thinking more like rain.

Rain. Rain is my favorite too!

We can stomp around the puddles.

You know. There's cool umbrellas, lightning storms.

More like when the rain runs down (фраз. глагол — скатываться) our back, and makes our shoe soggy.

And we get all cold, shivery and everything starts feeling droopy (уныло).

Oh. Hey, hey, hey. Easy.

Why are you crying?

It's... It's really the opposite of what we're going for here.

Crying helps me slow down and not obsessive with the way of life's problems.

You know what? Let's think about something else.

How about we read some mind manuals.

Sounds fun.

I've read most of them.

Well. Have you read this one?

This seems interesting.

Long term memory retrieval.

Volume (глава) 47.


Woo. A real page turner (увлекательная книга).

Long term memory data selection via channels subgrouping.

See. Fun already.

Oh, you lucky dog (везунчик).

You're reading these cool things, I got to go work. Life is so unfair.


What can we do. We only got capital (здесь — деньги) that'll last a month maybe two.

If we can't find investors by then, we're gonna have to lay people off (фраз. глагол — сократить, уволить)

Mom. Dad. Come kiss me good night.

I know. I know.

Be right there.

We got to land this, okay.

Did you hear Dad? He sounded really upset.

What was that? Was it a bear?

It's a bear!

There are no bears in San Francisco.

I saw a really hairy guy.

He looked like a bear.

Oh. I'm so jumpy (волнуюсь), my nerves are short (здесь — на пределе).

Ew. I don't wanna hear about your nerves.

I'll tell you what it is.

This move (переезд) has been a bust (кошмар)

That's what I've been telling you guys.

There're at least 37 things for Riley to be scared of right now.

This smell alone is enough to make her gag.

I can't believe Mom and Dad moved us here.

Look. I get it. You guys have concerns.

But we've been through worst.

Tell you what. Let's make a list of all the things Riley should be happy about.

Fine. Let's see. This house stinks (плохо пахнет).

Our room stinks.

Pizza is weird here.

Our friends are back home.

And all our stuff is in the missing van.

Oh, come on. It could be worse.

Yeah, Joy. We could be lying on a dirty floor. In a bag (здесь — спальный мешок).

Okay, I admit it. We had a rough (трудный) start.

But think of all the good things that...

No, Joy.

There is absolutely no reason for Riley to be happy right now.

Let us handle (разобраться) this.

I say we skip school tomorrow and lock ourselves in the bedroom.

We have no clean clothes.

And we could cry until we can't breathe.

We should lock the door and scream the curse word (ругательство) we know.

It's a good one.

Now, hold on.

Look. We all have our off days.

You know...

Hi, honey.

The Mom bad news Train is pulling in (pull in фраз. глагол — прибывать).


Still no moving van. Uh-huh.

Now they're saying it won't be here till Tuesday. Can you believe it?


Where's Dad?

On the phone.

This new adventure is keeping him pretty busy.

I rest my case (идиома — я же говорил).

Your dad is a little stressed, you know, about getting his new company up (фраз. глагол — вставать, здесь — поднять на ноги) and running.

Now, for a few well place withering scowls (хмурый взгляд).

I guess all I really want to say is thank you.

You know. Through all these confusion you've stayed...

Well, you've stayed our happy girl.

Your Dad is under a lot of pressure (be under pressure идиома — находиться под чьим-либо давлением).

But, if you and I can keep smiling, it would be a big help. We can do that for him. Right?



Yeah. Sure.

What did we do to deserve you.

Sweet dreams.

Good night.

Well. You can't argue with Mom.

Happy it is.

Can't argue with Mom, that's true.

Team Happy. Sounds great.

Totally behind you, Joy.

Looks like we're going into R E M (стадия быстрого сна).

I've got dream duty so I'll take care of sending these to long term.

Great day today, guys. All sleep well, team Happy.

Alright. What's on tonight, dream production?

Now. This is it. The new place.

Come live with me, Riley.

Somebody ordered a broccoli pizza.

Eat me, I'm organic.

No. Who is in charge of (be in charge of идиома — быть ответственным за) programming down there?

I know I'm not supposed to do this.


We are not going to end the day like this.

Don't you worry.

I'm going to make sure (идиома — убедиться) that tomorrow is another great day.

I promise.

Hello. Did I wake you?

Do you have to play that?

Well, I have to practice.

And I don't think of it as playing so much as hugging.

Okay. First day of school.

Very, very exciting.

I was up (be up фраз. глагол — не спать) late last night figuring out (figure out фраз. глагол — выяснять, здесь — обдумать) a new plan. Here it is.

Fear. I need a list - What?

Of all the possible negative outcomes (последствия) on the first day at a new school.

Way ahead of you there. They won't notice no meteor.

Disgust. Make sure Riley stands out (фраз. глагол — выделяться на фоне остальных) today. But, also blends in (фраз. глагол — смешаться с толпой).

When I'm through (be through фраз. глагол — закончить), Riley will look so good, the other kids will look at their own outfits and barf (страдать от рвоты).

Joy. Yes, Joy. You'll be in charge of the console.

Keeping Riley happy all day long.

And may I add, I love your dress, it's adorable.

Oh, this old thing. Thank you so much. I love the way it twirls.

Train of Thought, right on schedule (по расписанию).

Anger. Unload the daydreams.

I ordered extra, in case things get slow in class.

Might come in handy (идиома — понадобиться). If this new school is full of boring, useless classes.

Which it probably will be.

Oh, Sadness. I've a super important job just for you.


Uh-huh. Follow me.

What are you doing?

And there. Perfect.

This is the circle of sadness.

Your job is to make sure that all the sadness stays inside of it.

So, you want me just to stand here?

Hey, it's not my place to tell you how to do your job.

Just make sure that all... the sadness stays in the circle.

See. You're a pro at this.

Isn't this fun?


Attagirl (молодец!).

Alright everyone, fresh start (make a fresh start идиома — начать все с самого начала, здесь сокращенный вариант :)

We're going to have a good day which will turn into a good week, which will turn into a good year, which will turn into a good life!

So, big day. New school.

New friends.

I know. I'm kind of nervous but I'm mostly excited.

How do I look? Do you like my socks?

Very cute.

You gonna be okay. You want us to walk with you?

Mom and Dad, with us in public.

No, thank you.

Yup, I'm on (be on фраз. глагол — заниматься) it.

Nope, I'm fine. Bye Mom.

Bye Dad.

Have a good day in school, monkey.

Woo-woo... - Woo-woot...

Woo... Woo...

Have a great day, sweetheart.

Are you sure we want to do this?

In we go.

Okay, going in. Yes.

Спаренные субтитры
What kind of a pizza place
only serves 1 kind of pizza.
Что это за пиццерия,
где есть только один вид пиццы?

Must be a San Francisco thing.
Наверное, это типично
для Сан-Франциско, да?

Still, it's not as bad as the
soup at that diner in Nebraska.
Но она не так ужасна, как тот суп.
В забегаловке в Небраске.

Oh, yeah. The spoon stood
up in the soup by itself.
Да. В нём ложка стояла!

That was disgusting.
Это было отвратительно.

We're good. Family's running.
Хорошо. Остров семьи в действии.

The drive out was pretty fun.
What was your favorite part?
У папы живот заболел.
Но поездка была интересной.
Что тебе больше всего понравилось?

Spitting out of the car window.
Плевать из окна машины!

Definitely not when Dad was singing.
Wearing the sit belt.
Уж точно не пение папы.
Ремень безопасности!

Oh. What about the time
with the dinosaur.
Может, остановка у динозавра?

Oh, that's the one.
That was great.
Say cheese.
Скажите «сыр»!

Dad. Dad. Dad - Honey.
Dad, look at the car.
Just look behind you.
Папа! Дорогая!
Не двигайся.

No! Ah.
Nice one, Joy.
Стой! Нет, нет!
Отлично, Радость.

I like that time with the dinosaur.
That was pretty funny.
Мне понравилась остановка
у динозавра.
Было весело.

Wait, what. What happened?
Стойте. Что? Что случилось?

She did something to the memory.
Она что-то сделала с воспоминанием.

What did you do?
I-I just touched it.
Что ты сделала?
Просто дотронулась.

That shouldn't make it change.
Oh. Change it back, Joy.
I'm trying.
You can't change it back?
Это не должно его изменить.
Сделай как было!
Я пытаюсь.
Ты не можешь?

No. I guess I can't.
Good going, Sadness.
Молодец, Печаль.
Нет! Не могу.

Now when Riley thinks of that moment
with Dad, she's gonna feel sad. Bravo.
Теперь Райли будет вспоминать
об этом с печалью. Молодец.

I'm sorry, Joy. I don't really know. I
thought maybe if you, if you, I mean...
Прости, Радость. Я не знаю...
Я думала, если ты...

Joy. We got a stairway coming up.
Радость, впереди лестница.

Just don't touch any other memories
until we figured out what's going on.
Не трогай другие воспоминания,
пока не разберёмся.


Get ready. This is the monster railing
and we are riding it all the way down.
Ладно. Хорошо. Приготовились.
Это огромные перила,
и мы скатимся до самого низа!

Wait, what. What happened?
Что? Что случилось?

A core memory!
Oh no.
Ключевое воспоминание!
О нет!

Sadness, what're you doing?
It looked like one was crooked.
So I opened it and it fell out.
Печаль, что ты делаешь?
Показалось, что оно испортилось,
я открыла, и оно выпало...


It's just that. I want to, maybe.
Hold one.
Просто... Я хотела подержать его.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Sadness. You nearly
touch a core memory.
Ты чуть не потрогала
ключевое воспоминание.

And when you touch them,
we can't change them back.
Когда ты касаешься их,
мы не можем сделать как было.

Oh, I know. I'm sorry.
Something's wrong with me.
Знаю. Прости.
Со мной что-то не так.

I... It's like I'm having a break down.
You're not having a break down.
It's stress.
У меня как будто срыв.
У тебя нет срыва.
Это стресс.

I keep making mistakes like that.
I'm awful.
Я все время делаю ошибки.
Я ужасна.

No, you're not.
And annoying.
Вовсе нет.
И надоедлива.

They, well... You know what.
You can't focus on
what's going wrong.
Послушай. Не думай о плохом.

There's always a way
to turn things around.
Всегда можно изменить ситуацию,

To find the fun.
видеть хорошее.

Yeah, find the fun.
I don't know how to do that.
Ага. Видеть хорошее.
Я не знаю, как это делать.

Okay, well. Try to think
of something funny.
Ладно. Подумай
о чём-нибудь смешном.

Oh. Remember the funny
movie where the dog dies?
Помнишь тот смешной фильм,
в котором умерла собака?

Oh, yeah. That's not... Oh.
What about that time, with Mag.
Но это не...
Вспомни тот случай с Мег,

When Riley laughed so hard,
milk came out of her nose.
когда Райли так прыснула,
что молоко полилось из носа.

Come on.

Yeah, that hurts.
It felt like fire.
Ага. Было больно.
Всё горело.
Это было ужасно.

It was awf...
Okay, okay.

Don't think of that. Let's
try something else.
Ладно, не думай об этом.
Попробуем другое.

What're your favorite things to do.
My favorite?
Твои любимые занятия?

Well, I like it
when we're outside.
Мне нравится,
когда мы на улице.

That's good! Like, there's
the beach and sunshine.
Отлично. Например,
пляж и солнце.

Oh. Like the time we buried Dad
in the sand up to his neck.
Когда мы закопали папу в песок
по самое горло.

I was thinking more like rain.
А я думала о дожде.

Rain Rain is my favorite too!
Дождь? Мне тоже нравится!

We can stomp around the puddles.
You know. There's cool
umbrellas, lightning storms.
Можно прыгать по лужам.
Красивые зонтики, грозы с молнией.

More like when the rain runs down
our back, and makes our shoe soggy.
Когда вода течёт по спине,
а обувь промокает.

And we get all cold, shivery and
everything starts feeling droopy.
Мы мёрзнем, дрожим и
начинаем падать духом.

Oh. Hey, hey, hey. Easy.
Why are you crying?
Почему ты плачешь?

It's... It's really the opposite
of what we're going for here.
Мы пытаемся добиться
противоположного эффекта.

Crying helps me slow down and not obsessive
with the way of life's problems.
Плач помогает мне успокоиться и думать
о тяжести жизненных проблем.

You know what? Let's think
about something else.
Слушай, давай подумаем
о чём-то другом.

How about we read some mind manuals.
Sounds fun.
Давай почитаем инструкции.
Весёлое занятие.

I've read most of them.
Well. Have you read this one.
This seem interesting.
Я уже прочитала большую часть.
А это ты читала?
Похоже, интересно.

Long term memory retrieval.
Volume 47.
«Извлечение долгосрочной памяти,
том 47».

Woo. A real page turner.
Просто не оторваться!

Long term memory data selection
via channels subgrouping.
«Выбор данных долгосрочной памяти
через подгруппы»?

See. Fun already.
Oh, you lucky dog.
Видишь? Уже интересно!
Какая ты везучая.

You're reading these cool things, I
got to go work. Life is so unfair.
Читаешь интересные вещи, а у меня
работа. Жизнь несправедлива.


What can we do.
We only got capital
that'll last a month maybe two.
Что можно сделать?
У нас капитала на месяц или два.

If we can't find investors by then,
we're gonna have to lay people off.
Если не найдём инвестора,
придётся увольнять людей.

Mom. Dad.
Come kiss me good night.
Мама! Папа!
Поцелуйте меня на ночь!

I know. I know.
Be right there.
We got to land this, okay.
Я сейчас!

Did you hear Dad?
He sounded really upset.
Вы слышали папу?
У него был расстроенный голос.

What was that? Was it a bear?
It's a bear!
Что это? Это медведь?
Это медведь!

There are no bears in San Francisco.
В Сан-Франциско нет медведей.

I saw a really hairy guy.
He looked like a bear.
Я видел волосатого парня.
Он был похож на медведя.

Oh. I'm so jumpy, my
nerves are short.
Я так нервничаю. Нервы на пределе.

Ew. I don't wanna hear
about your nerves.
Фу! Я не хочу слушать
о твоих нервах.

I'll tell you what it is.
This move has been a bust.
Я скажу, в чём дело.
Этот переезд - катастрофа.

That's what I've been
telling you guys.
Об этом я вам и говорю!

There're at least 37 things for
Riley to be scared of right now.
В списке опасностей для Райли -
37 пунктов.

This smell alone is
enough to make her gag.
Одного запаха хватит,
чтобы её стошнило.

I can't believe Mom and
Dad moved us here.
Надо же было маме и папе
привезти нас сюда!

Look. I get it. You
guys have concerns.
Слушайте, я понимаю.
У вас есть опасения.

But we've been through worst.
Но бывали и худшие времена.

Tell you what. Let's make a list of all
the things Riley should be happy about.
Давайте сделаем список того,
чему Райли следует радоваться.

Fine. Let's see. This house stinks.
Our room stinks.
Ладно. Посмотрим.
Дом вонючий, комната вонючая.

Pizza is weird here.
Our friends are back home.
Пицца странная.
Друзья остались дома.

And all our stuff is
in the missing van.
Наши вещи в пропавшем грузовике!

Oh, come on. It could be worse.
Могло быть и хуже.

Yeah, Joy. We could be lying
on a dirty floor. In a bag.
Да. Мы могли бы лежать
на грязном полу. В спальном мешке.

Okay, I admit it. We
had a rough start.
Признаю, начало не задалось.

But think of all the good things that...
No, Joy.
Но подумайте о хорошем...

There is absolutely no reason for
Riley to be happy right now.
Нет. У Райли нет никаких причин
для радости.

Let us handle this.
Передай нам управление.

I say we skip school tomorrow and
lock ourselves in the bedroom.
Предлагаю прогулять завтра школу
и закрыться в комнате.

We have no clean clothes.
У нас нет чистой одежды.

And we could cry until
we can't breathe.
Нас не должны видеть.
Да. Мы можем плакать
до потери дыхания.

We should lock the door and
scream the curse word we know.
Запрёмся и крикнем ругательство,
которое знаем.

It's a good one.
Now, hold on.
Оно классное!

Look. We all have our off days.
You know...
У всех нас бывают неудачные дни.
Hi, honey.
Привет, детка.

The Mom bad news Train is pulling in.
Прибыл поезд плохих новостей.

Still no moving van. Uh-huh.
Грузовик ещё не приехал.

Now they're saying it won't be here
till Tuesday. Can you believe it.
Говорят, приедет только во вторник.
Просто невероятно.


Where's Dad?
On the phone.
А где папа?
На телефоне.

This new adventure is
keeping him pretty busy.
Новое предприятие
отнимает много времени.

I rest my case.
Я же говорил!

Your dad is a little
stress, you know, about
Папа переживает о том, как поставить

getting his new company
up and running.
на ноги новую компанию.

Now, for a few well
place withering scowls.
Пришло время злобно нахмуриться.

I guess all I really
want to say is thank you.
В общем, я просто хочу
сказать тебе спасибо.

You know.
Through all these
confusion you stayed...
Несмотря на эту неразбериху,
ты осталась...

Well, you stayed our happy girl.
Осталась нашей
счастливой девочкой.

Your Dad is under a
lot of pressure.
На твоего отца много свалилось,

But, if you and I can keep
smiling, it would be a big help.
но если мы с тобой будем улыбаться,
это очень поможет.

We can do that for him. Right?
Мы же можем сделать это для него.


Ого. Что ж.

Yeah. Sure.
Да, конечно.

What did we do to deserve you.
Как мы умудрились заслужить тебя?

Sweet dreams.
Good night.
Сладких снов.
Спокойной ночи.

Well. You can't argue with Mom.
С мамой не поспоришь.

Happy it is.
Can't argue with Mom, that's true.

Team Happy. Sounds great.
Totally behind you, Joy.
Довольная команда! Отлично!
Я с тобой, Радость.

Looks like we're
going into R E M.
I've got dream duty so I'll take
care of sending these to long term.
Похоже, стадия быстрого сна.
Я дежурная по снам. Отправлю всё
в долгосрочную память.

Great day today, guys. All
sleep well, team Happy.
Отличный день!
Хороших снов, довольная команда!

Alright. What's on
tonight, dream production?
Что у нас на сегодня,
студия сновидений?

Now. This is it. The new place.
Ну вот. Новый дом.

Come live with me, Riley.
Райли, приходи жить со мной.

Somebody ordered a broccoli pizza.
Eat me, I'm organic.
Заказывали пиццу с брокколи?
Съешь меня!
Натуральные продукты!

No. Who is in charge of
programming down there?
О нет! Кто у них занимается

I know I'm not suppose to do this.
Знаю, что не должна
этого делать, но...

We are not going to end
the day like this.
Мы не можем закончить день так.

Don't you worry.
Не беспокойся.

I'm going to make sure that
tomorrow is another great day.
Я позабочусь о том,
чтобы завтра был прекрасный день.

I promise.

Hello. Did I wake you?
Do you have to play that?
Привет! Разбудила?
Обязательно это включать?

Well, I have to practice.
Нужно практиковаться.

And I don't think of it as
playing so much as hugging.
Я не играю на нём, а обнимаю его.

Okay. First day of school.
Very, very exciting.
Итак, первый день в школе!
Очень волнительно.

I was up late last night figuring
out a new plan. Here it is.
Вчера вечером я обдумывала
новый план. Слушайте! Страх.

Fear. I need a list - What?
Мне нужен список всех возможных

Of all the possible negative outcomes
on the first day at a new school.
негативных событий
в первый день в школе.

Way ahead of you there.
They won't notice no meteor.
Я тебя опередил. Кто-нибудь
знает, как пишется «метеор»?

Disgust. Make sure Riley
stands out today.
But, also blends in.
Брезгливость. Пусть Райли
выделится. Но и вольётся.

When I'm through, Riley
will look so good,
Когда я закончу,
Райли будет выглядеть так здорово,

the other kids will look at
their own outfits and farf.
что другие дети будут
смотреть на себя с отвращением.

Joy. Yes, Joy. You'll be
in charge of the console.
«Радость». «Да, Радость?»
«Ты будешь за пультом,

Keeping Riley happy all day long.
чтобы она радовалась весь день.

And may I add, I love your
dress, it's adorable.
И у тебя красивое платье».

Oh, this old thing. Thank you so much.
I love the way it twirls.
«Это старое платье? Спасибо.
Оно так классно кружится».

Train of Thought, right on schedule.
Состав мысли! По расписанию.

Anger. Unload the daydreams.
Гнев, выгрузить фантазии.

I ordered extra, in case
things get slow in class.
Я заказала побольше -
вдруг в классе будет скучно.

Might come in handy. If this new school
is full of boring, useless classes.
Может понадобиться.
Если в этой школе
много скучных бесполезных уроков.

Which it probably will be.
Что наверняка и будет.

Oh, Sadness. I've a super
important job just for you.
Печаль. У меня для тебя
очень важное задание.

Uh-huh. Follow me.
Да. Иди за мной.

What are you doing?
And there. Perfect.
Что ты делаешь?
Вот. Отлично!

This is the circle of sadness.
Это круг Печали.

Your job is to make sure that all
the sadness stays inside of it.
Ты должна проследить,
чтобы Печаль была внутри круга.

So, you want me just to stand here?
Ты хочешь, чтобы я здесь стояла?

Hey, it's not my place to
tell you how to do your job.
Я не могу указывать тебе,
как выполнять твою работу.

Just make sure that
Проследи за тем,

all... the sadness stays in the circle.
чтобы Печаль оставалась в круге!

See. You're a pro at this.
Isn't this fun?
Видишь? Ты в этом спец.
Разве не весело?


Alright everyone, fresh start.
Итак, начинаем всё с начала.

We're going to have a good day
which will turn into a good week,
У нас будет хороший день,
а потом хорошая неделя,

which will turn into a good year,
which will turn into a good life!
а потом хороший год,
а потом хорошая жизнь!

So, big day. New school.
New friends.
Итак, важный день!
Новая школа, новые друзья.

I know. I'm kind of nervous
but I'm mostly excited.
Знаю! Я немного нервничаю,
но очень рада.

How do I look? Do you like my socks?
Very cute.
Как я выгляжу? Нормально оделась?

You gonna be okay. You
want us to walk with you?
Красиво! Всё будет хорошо?
Проводить тебя?

Mom and Dad, with us in public.
No, thank you.
С мамой и папой на людях?
Нет, спасибо.

Yup, I'm on it.
Nope, I'm fine.
Bye Mom. Bye Dad.
Я сейчас!
Нет. Всё хорошо.
Пока, мама и папа.

Have a good day in
school, monkey.
Удачного дня в школе, обезьянка.

Woo-woo... - Woo-woot...
Woo... Woo...

Have a great day, sweetheart.
Удачного дня, милая!

С ума сойти. Правда.
Было так весело.

Ты знаешь,
что скоро баскетбольный матч?

Are you sure we want to do this?
In we go.
Вы уверены, что это нужно?

Okay, going in.
Хорошо! Заходим!