What kind of a pizza place only serves 1 kind of pizza.
Must be a San Francisco thing.
Still, it's not as bad as the soup at that diner in Nebraska.
Oh, yeah. The spoon stood up in the soup by itself.
That was disgusting.
We're good. Family's running.
The drive out was pretty fun.
What was your favorite part?
Spitting out (spit out фраз. глагол — плеваться) of the car window.
Definitely not when Dad was singing.
Wearing the seat belt.
Oh. What about the time with the dinosaur.
Oh, that's the one.
That was great.
Say cheese.
Dad. Dad. Dad - Honey.
Dad, look at the car.
Just look behind you.
No! Ah.
Nice one, Joy.
I like that time with the dinosaur.
That was pretty funny.
Wait, what. What happened?
She did something to the memory.
What did you do?
I-I just touched it.
That shouldn't make it change.
Oh. Change it back, Joy.
I'm trying.
You can't change it back?
No. I guess I can't.
Good going (молодец), Sadness.
Now when Riley thinks of that moment with Dad, she's gonna feel sad. Bravo.
I'm sorry, Joy. I don't really know. I thought maybe if you, if you, I mean...
Joy. We got a stairway coming up.
Just don't touch any other memories until we figured out (figure out — разбираться, выяснять) what's going on.
Okay. Alright.
Get ready. This is the monster railing and we are riding it all the way down.
Wait, what. What happened?
A core memory!
Oh no.
Sadness, what're you doing?
It looked like one was crooked.
So I opened it and it fell out.
It's just that. I want to, maybe.
Hold one.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Sadness. You nearly touch a core memory.
And when you touch them, we can't change them back.
Oh, I know. I'm sorry.
Something's wrong with me.
I... It's like I'm having a breakdown (нервный срыв).
You're not having a breakdown.
It's stress.
I keep making mistakes like that.
I'm awful.
No, you're not.
And annoying.
They, well... You know what.
You can't focus on what's going wrong.
There's always a way to turn things around (фраз. глагол — изменить, исправить).
To find the fun.
Yeah, find the fun. I don't know how to do that.
Okay, well. Try to think of something funny.
Oh. Remember the funny movie where the dog dies?
Oh, yeah. That's not... Oh.
What about that time, with Mag.
When Riley laughed so hard, milk came out of her nose.
Come on.
Yeah, that hurts.
It felt like fire.
It was awf...
Okay, okay.
Don't think of that. Let's try something else.
What're your favorite things to do.
My favorite?
Well, I like it when we're outside.
That's good! Like, there's the beach and sunshine.
Oh. Like the time we buried (закапывали) Dad in the sand up to his neck.
I was thinking more like rain.
Rain. Rain is my favorite too!
We can stomp around the puddles.
You know. There's cool umbrellas, lightning storms.
More like when the rain runs down (фраз. глагол — скатываться) our back, and makes our shoe soggy.
And we get all cold, shivery and everything starts feeling droopy (уныло).
Oh. Hey, hey, hey. Easy.
Why are you crying?
It's... It's really the opposite of what we're going for here.
Crying helps me slow down and not obsessive with the way of life's problems.
You know what? Let's think about something else.
How about we read some mind manuals.
Sounds fun.
I've read most of them.
Well. Have you read this one?
This seems interesting.
Long term memory retrieval.
Volume (глава) 47.
Woo. A real page turner (увлекательная книга).
Long term memory data selection via channels subgrouping.
See. Fun already.
Oh, you lucky dog (везунчик).
You're reading these cool things, I got to go work. Life is so unfair.
What can we do. We only got capital (здесь — деньги) that'll last a month maybe two.
If we can't find investors by then, we're gonna have to lay people off (фраз. глагол — сократить, уволить)
Mom. Dad. Come kiss me good night.
I know. I know.
Be right there.
We got to land this, okay.
Did you hear Dad? He sounded really upset.
What was that? Was it a bear?
It's a bear!
There are no bears in San Francisco.
I saw a really hairy guy.
He looked like a bear.
Oh. I'm so jumpy (волнуюсь), my nerves are short (здесь — на пределе).
Ew. I don't wanna hear about your nerves.
I'll tell you what it is.
This move (переезд) has been a bust (кошмар)
That's what I've been telling you guys.
There're at least 37 things for Riley to be scared of right now.
This smell alone is enough to make her gag.
I can't believe Mom and Dad moved us here.
Look. I get it. You guys have concerns.
But we've been through worst.
Tell you what. Let's make a list of all the things Riley should be happy about.
Fine. Let's see. This house stinks (плохо пахнет).
Our room stinks.
Pizza is weird here.
Our friends are back home.
And all our stuff is in the missing van.
Oh, come on. It could be worse.
Yeah, Joy. We could be lying on a dirty floor. In a bag (здесь — спальный мешок).
Okay, I admit it. We had a rough (трудный) start.
But think of all the good things that...
No, Joy.
There is absolutely no reason for Riley to be happy right now.
Let us handle (разобраться) this.
I say we skip school tomorrow and lock ourselves in the bedroom.
We have no clean clothes.
And we could cry until we can't breathe.
We should lock the door and scream the curse word (ругательство) we know.
It's a good one.
Now, hold on.
Look. We all have our off days.
You know...
Hi, honey.
The Mom bad news Train is pulling in (pull in фраз. глагол — прибывать).
Still no moving van. Uh-huh.
Now they're saying it won't be here till Tuesday. Can you believe it?
Where's Dad?
On the phone.
This new adventure is keeping him pretty busy.
I rest my case (идиома — я же говорил).
Your dad is a little stressed, you know, about getting his new company up (фраз. глагол — вставать, здесь — поднять на ноги) and running.
Now, for a few well place withering scowls (хмурый взгляд).
I guess all I really want to say is thank you.
You know. Through all these confusion you've stayed...
Well, you've stayed our happy girl.
Your Dad is under a lot of pressure (be under pressure идиома — находиться под чьим-либо давлением).
But, if you and I can keep smiling, it would be a big help. We can do that for him. Right?
Yeah. Sure.
What did we do to deserve you.
Sweet dreams.
Good night.
Well. You can't argue with Mom.
Happy it is.
Can't argue with Mom, that's true.
Team Happy. Sounds great.
Totally behind you, Joy.
Looks like we're going into R E M (стадия быстрого сна).
I've got dream duty so I'll take care of sending these to long term.
Great day today, guys. All sleep well, team Happy.
Alright. What's on tonight, dream production?
Now. This is it. The new place.
Come live with me, Riley.
Somebody ordered a broccoli pizza.
Eat me, I'm organic.
No. Who is in charge of (be in charge of идиома — быть ответственным за) programming down there?
I know I'm not supposed to do this.
We are not going to end the day like this.
Don't you worry.
I'm going to make sure (идиома — убедиться) that tomorrow is another great day.
I promise.
Hello. Did I wake you?
Do you have to play that?
Well, I have to practice.
And I don't think of it as playing so much as hugging.
Okay. First day of school.
Very, very exciting.
I was up (be up фраз. глагол — не спать) late last night figuring out (figure out фраз. глагол — выяснять, здесь — обдумать) a new plan. Here it is.
Fear. I need a list - What?
Of all the possible negative outcomes (последствия) on the first day at a new school.
Way ahead of you there. They won't notice no meteor.
Disgust. Make sure Riley stands out (фраз. глагол — выделяться на фоне остальных) today. But, also blends in (фраз. глагол — смешаться с толпой).
When I'm through (be through фраз. глагол — закончить), Riley will look so good, the other kids will look at their own outfits and barf (страдать от рвоты).
Joy. Yes, Joy. You'll be in charge of the console.
Keeping Riley happy all day long.
And may I add, I love your dress, it's adorable.
Oh, this old thing. Thank you so much. I love the way it twirls.
Train of Thought, right on schedule (по расписанию).
Anger. Unload the daydreams.
I ordered extra, in case things get slow in class.
Might come in handy (идиома — понадобиться). If this new school is full of boring, useless classes.
Which it probably will be.
Oh, Sadness. I've a super important job just for you.
Uh-huh. Follow me.
What are you doing?
And there. Perfect.
This is the circle of sadness.
Your job is to make sure that all the sadness stays inside of it.
So, you want me just to stand here?
Hey, it's not my place to tell you how to do your job.
Just make sure that all... the sadness stays in the circle.
See. You're a pro at this.
Isn't this fun?
Attagirl (молодец!).
Alright everyone, fresh start (make a fresh start идиома — начать все с самого начала, здесь сокращенный вариант :)
We're going to have a good day which will turn into a good week, which will turn into a good year, which will turn into a good life!
So, big day. New school.
New friends.
I know. I'm kind of nervous but I'm mostly excited.
How do I look? Do you like my socks?
Very cute.
You gonna be okay. You want us to walk with you?
Mom and Dad, with us in public.
No, thank you.
Yup, I'm on (be on фраз. глагол — заниматься) it.
Nope, I'm fine. Bye Mom.
Bye Dad.
Have a good day in school, monkey.
Woo-woo... - Woo-woot...
Woo... Woo...
Have a great day, sweetheart.
Are you sure we want to do this?
In we go.
Okay, going in. Yes.