Урок 81006
В тексте есть встроенный словарь. В любой момент вы можете нажать на незнакомое слово, видео остановится, и появится перевод этого слова. Когда вы закроете словарь, видео снова продолжится с того места, где вы остановились.

Примечание: возможно, кому-то будут удобны спаренные (en-ru) субтитры с художественным переводом (ru). Эти субтитры здесь
Mum, look.

Why did the wisps bring us here?

Whoever (кто бы) they were, they've been gone (исчезнуть) for a long, long time.

I'm fine, Mum. Just fine.

It's a throne room (тронный зал).

You suppose this could've been the kingdom in that story you were telling me?

The one with the princes.





The oldest.

Split (расколоться), like the tapestry (гобелен).

The spell. It's happened before.

"Strength of ten men."

"Fate be changed."

"Changed his fate."

Oh, no.

The prince became...


Mum, we need to get back to the castle.

If we don't hurry, you'll become like Mor'du.

A bear!

A real bear. Forever!

"Mend the bond torn by pride."

The witch gave us the answer. The tapestry.

Mum, do you have a better idea?

That'll do (Сойдет).

No more talk.

No more traditions. We settle (решить) this now!

You're the King.

You decide which one of our sons your daughter will marry.

None of your sons are fit (подходят) to marry my daughter.

Then our alliance (союз)is over!
This means war!

They're gonna murder each other.

You've got to stop them before it's too late.

I know, I know!

But how do we get you through there and up to the tapestry with the lot of them
boiling over (boil over идиома - негодовать) like that?

What are you doing, lass?
It's all right, Dad.


I have...

Well, you see, I...

I have been in conference with the Queen.

Is that so?
Aye, it is.

Well, where is she, then?

How do we know that this isn't some trick (уловка)?

I'd never...
This is highly irregular.

What are you playing at (play at smth фраз.гл. - задумать что-то)? Where is the Queen?

We will not stand for (фраз.гл. - поддерживать) any more of this jiggery-pokery (козни).

That's right. Let's see her.
Shut it (тихо)!

Well, I...

Once there was an ancient kingdom.

What is this?

That kingdom fell into war and chaos and ruin...

We've all heard that tale.
Lost kingdom.

Aye, but it's true.

I know now how one selfish (эгоистичный) act can turn the fate of a kingdom.

It's just a legend.

Legends are lessons.

They ring with truths.

Our kingdom is young.

Our stories are not yet legend.

But in them, our bond (связь) was struck (скреплена).

Our clans were once enemies.

But when invaders (захватчики) threatened (угрожали) us from the sea,

you joined together to defend our lands.

You fought for each other.

You risked everything for each other.

Lord MacGuffin, my dad saved your life,stopping an arrow as you ran to Dingwall's aid (помощь).

Aye, and I'll never forget it.

And, Lord Macintosh,you saved my dad when you charged in (charge in фраз.гл. - ворваться) on heavy horse and held off (hold off фраз.гл. - сдержать) the advance (атака).

And we all know how Lord Dingwall broke (прорвал) the enemy line (строй).

With a mighty (могучий) throw of his spear (копье)!

I was aiming (целился) at you, you big tumshie (болван).

The story of this kingdom is a powerful one.

My dad rallied (сплотил) your forces and you made him your king.

It was an alliance forged (выкованный) in bravery (храбрость) and friendship and it lives to this day.

But I've been selfish.

I tore (разорвала) a great rift (раскол) in our kingdom.

There's no one to blame but me.

And I know now that I need to amend (исправить) my mistake and mend our bond.

And so, there is the matter of my betrothal.

I've decided to do what's right



...break (нарушить) tradition.

My mother, the Queen, feels...in her heart

that I......that we be free to......write our own story......follow our hearts and find love in our own time.

That's beautiful.

The Queen and I put the decision to you (put a decision to smb фраз.гл. - оставить право выбора за кем-либо), my lords.

Might our young people decide for themselves who they will love?

Well, since you've obviously made up your minds (make up one’s mind фраз.гл. - принять решение) about this, I have one thing to say.

This is...A grand idea!

Give us our own say in choosing our fate.

Aye. Why shouldn't we choose?

But she's the princess.

I did not pick her out (pick smb/smth out фраз.гл. - выбрать кого-л./что-л.). It was your idea.

And you... You feel the same way?


Well, that settles (разрешает) it.

Let these lads (парни) try and win (завоевать) her heart before they win her hand.

If they can.

I say, the wee Dingwall has a fighting chance (хорошие шансы).

Fine, then. Seems for once we agree.

It was my idea in the first place.

Just like your mum.

You devil.

Everyone to the cellar (погреб)!

Let's crack open (откупорить) the King's private reserve (запасы) to celebrate!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Bring the tiny (крошечные) glasses.

Oh, the tapestry!

Mend the bond...

Mend the bond.

Stitch it up (зашей). This'll change you back.

We just need needle (иголка) and thread (нитка).


Mum? Not now.

No. Please, not now.


Elinor, dear, you'll never guess who just solved our little suitor problem.


It can't be true!
Elinor, answer me, lass!



Dad, no! It's not what you think.

Merida, get back!

No, Dad! Don't hurt her!

Get out of here!

Merida! No!



It's all right. I'm all right. It's nothing.
It's just a little scratch (царапина). Mum!

My liege (господин)!




Count your stars (идиома - тебе повезло/радуйся), lass. It almost had you. Are you hurt?

It's your wife, Elinor.

Close the gate!

You're talking nonsense (talk nonsense идиома - нести бред)!
It's the truth!

There was a witch and she gave me a spell. It's not Mor'du.

Mor'du or not, I'll avenge (отомстить) your mother!

I'll not risk losing you, too.

No, Dad! Just listen to me.

Listen! You can't!

It's your wife Elinor!

Maudie, keep this and don't let her out.

What about the bear?

Just stay put (идиома - оставаться на месте).

Спаренные субтитры
Mum, look.
Мама, смотри.

Why did the wisps bring us here?
Почему огоньки привели нас сюда?

Whoever they were, they've been gone for a long, long time.
Те, кто тут жил, исчезли давным-давно.

I'm fine, Mum. Just fine.
Всё хорошо, мама, я цела.


a throne room.
тронный зал.

You suppose this could've been the kingdom
Думаешь, это королевство

in that story you were telling me?
из той легенды?

The one with the princes.
Про принцев.





The oldest.

Split, like the tapestry.
Разрезано, как наш гобелен.

The spell. It's happened before.
Заклятие. Такое уже происходило.

"Strength of ten men."
«Силу десяти мужчин».

"Fate be changed."
«Измени судьбу».

"Changed his fate."
«Он изменил судьбу».

Oh, no.
О нет.

The prince became...
Принц стал…


Mum, we need to get back to the castle.
Мама, мы должны вернуться во дворец.

If we don't hurry, you'll become like Mor'du.
Если мы опоздаем, ты станешь как Морду.

A bear!

A real bear. Forever!
Настоящим медведем. Навсегда!

"Mend the bond torn by pride."
«Гордыню смири, полотно почини».

The witch gave us the answer. The tapestry.
Ведьма дала нам ответ. Гобелен!

Mum, do you have a better idea?
Мама, ничего лучше придумать не могла?

That'll do.

No more talk.
Хватит болтовни.

No more traditions. We settle this now!
Хватит споров. Решим этот вопрос сейчас!

You're the King!
Ты король!

You decide which one of our sons your daughter will marry.
Тебе решать, за кого из наших сыновей выйдет твоя дочь.

None of your sons are fit to marry my daughter.
Ваши сыновья не подходят моей дочери.

Then our alliance is over!
This means war!
Тогда нашему союзу конец!
Значит, будет война.

They're gonna murder each other.
Они поубивают друг друга.

You've got to stop them before it's too late.
Нужно остановить их, пока не поздно.

I know, I know!
Знаю, знаю!

But how do we get you through there and up to the tapestry
Но как нам пробраться к гобелену

with the lot of them boiling over like that?
Они просто кипят от злости?

What are you doing, lass?
It's all right, Dad.
Что ты делаешь, милая?
Не волнуйся, папа.


I have...
У меня…

Well, you see, I...

I have been in conference with the Queen.
Я была на встрече с королевой.

Is that so?
Aye, it is.
Это правда?

Well, where is she, then?
А где же она?

How do we know that this isn't some trick?
Откуда нам знать, что это не уловка?

I'd never...
This is highly irregular.
Я бы ни за что…
Это очень странно.

What are you playing at?
Where is the Queen?
Что ты задумала?
Где королева?

We will not stand for any more of this jiggery-pokery.
С нас довольно этих глупостей.

That's right. Let's see her.
Shut it!
Правильно. Где она?

Well, I...
Что ж, я…

Once there was an ancient kingdom.
Было одно древнее королевство…

What is this?
Ты о чём?

That kingdom fell into war
Это королевство было ввергнуто в войну,

and chaos and ruin...
хаос и разорение…

We've all heard that tale.
Lost kingdom.
Мы знаем эту сказку
про потерянное королевство.

Aye, but it's true.
Но это правда.

I know now how one selfish act can turn the fate of a kingdom.
И я знаю, как эгоистичный поступок может изменить судьбу королевства.

It's just a legend.
Это просто легенда.

Legends are lessons.
Легенды – это уроки.

They ring with truths.
В них есть истина.

Our kingdom is young.
Наше королевство молодое.

Our stories are not yet legend.
Наша история ещё не стала легендой.

But in them, our bond was struck.
Но она скрепила нашу связь.

Our clans were once enemies.
Когда-то наши кланы враждовали.

But when invaders threatened us from the sea,
Но когда нам угрожало вторжение с моря,

you joined together to defend our lands.
вы объединили усилия для защиты нашей земли.

You fought for each other.
Вы сражались друг за друга.

You risked everything for each other.
Вы рисковали жизнями ради друг друга.

Lord MacGuffin, my dad saved your life,
Лорд Макгаффин, мой отец спас вам жизнь,

stopping an arrow as you ran to Dingwall's aid.
остановив стрелу, когда вы спешили на помощь Дингвалю.

Aye, and I'll never forget it.
Да, и я этого не забуду.

And, Lord Macintosh,
Лорд Макинтош,

you saved my dad when you charged in on heavy horse
вы спасли моего отца, когда ворвались на своём коне

and held off the advance.
и сдержали вражескую атаку.

And we all know how Lord Dingwall broke the enemy line.
Всем известно, как лорд Дингваль прорвал вражеский строй.

With a mighty throw of his spear!
Могучим броском копья!

I was aiming at you, you big tumshie.
Я метил в тебя, болван.

The story of this kingdom is a powerful one.
У нас яркая история.

My dad rallied your forces
Мой отец объединил ваши силы,

and you made him your king.
и вы избрали его королём.

It was an alliance forged in bravery and friendship
Этот союз родился на основе отваги и дружбы,

and it lives to this day.
и он живёт до сих пор.

But I've been selfish.
Но я вела себя эгоистично.

I tore a great rift in our kingdom.
Из-за меня в королевстве возникла размолвка.

There's no one to blame but me.
Во всём виновата лишь я.

And I know now that I need to amend my mistake
Теперь я знаю, что должна исправить свою ошибку

and mend our bond.
и укрепить нашу связь.

And so, there is the matter of my betrothal.
Существует вопрос о моей помолвке.

I've decided to do what's right
Я решила поступить правильно



...break tradition.
...нарушить традицию.

My mother,
Моя мать,

the Queen, feels...
королева, чувствует...

in her heart
глубоко в сердце,

that I...
что я…

...that we be free to...
...что все мы имеем право...

...write our own story...
...писать нашу собственную историю...

...follow our hearts
...идти по зову сердца

and find love in our own time.
и встретить любовь, когда придёт время.

That's beautiful.
Красивые слова.

The Queen and I put the decision to you, my lords.
Мы с королевой оставляем выбор за вами, лорды.

Might our young people decide for themselves who they will love?
Могут ли отроки сами решать, кого им любить?

Well, since you've obviously made up your minds about this,
Поскольку вы уже всё решили на этот счёт,

I have one thing to say.
я хочу кое-что сказать.

This is...
A grand idea!
Отличная мысль!

Give us our own say in choosing our fate.
Предоставьте нам право самим выбирать свою судьбу.

Aye. Why shouldn't we choose?
Да. Почему мы не можем решать?

But she's the princess.
Но она принцесса.

I did not pick her out. It was your idea.
Я её не выбирал. Это ты хотел.

And you... You feel the same way?
А ты… Ты согласен?


Well, that settles it.
Так и порешим.

Let these lads try and win her heart before they win her hand.
Пусть они попробуют сперва завоевать её сердце, а не руку.

If they can.
Если смогут.

I say, the wee Dingwall has a fighting chance.
Думаю, у Дингваля есть хорошие шансы.

Fine, then. Seems for once we agree.
Прекрасно. Наконец-то все согласны.

It was my idea in the first place.
Но это была моя идея.

Just like your mum.
Ты вылитая мать.

You devil.

Everyone to the cellar!
А теперь – в винные погреба!

Let's crack open the King's private reserve to celebrate!
Откроем личные запасы короля и отпразднуем!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Стоп, стоп!

Bring the tiny glasses.
Принеси маленькие бокалы.

Oh, the tapestry!

Mend the bond...
Полотно почини…

Mend the bond.
Полотно почини.

Stitch it up. This'll change you back.
Надо его зашить. Тогда ты изменишься.

We just need needle and thread.
Нужна иголка и нитка.


Mum? Not now.
Мама! Не сейчас.

No. Please, not now.
Прошу, не сейчас.


Elinor, dear, you'll never guess who just solved our little suitor problem.
Дорогая, отгадай, кто решил проблему с претендентами.


It can't be true!
Elinor, answer me, lass!
Этого не может быть!
Элинор, где ты?



Dad, no! It's not what you think.
Нет! Это не то, что ты думаешь.

Merida, get back!

No, Dad! Don't hurt her!
Нет! Не трогай её!

Get out of here!

Merida! No!
Мерида! Нет!



It's all right. I'm all right. It's nothing.
It's just a little scratch. Mum!
Всё хорошо. Я в порядке.
Это просто царапина. Мама!

My liege!
Мой господин!




Count your stars, lass.
It almost had you. Are you hurt?
Тебе повезло, детка.
Он чуть не убил тебя. Как ты?

It's your wife, Elinor.
Это твоя жена Элинор.

Close the gate!
Закрыть ворота!

You're talking nonsense!
It's the truth!
Что за чушь?

Это правда!

There was a witch and she gave me a spell.
It's not Mor'du.
Я попросила ведьму заколдовать её.
Это не Морду.

Mor'du or not, I'll avenge your mother!
Плевать, как его зовут. Я отомщу за твою мать.

I'll not risk losing you, too.
No, Dad! Just listen to me.
Не хочу подвергать тебя опасности.
Нет, послушай меня.

Listen! You can't!
Послушай! Нет!

It's your wife Elinor!
Maudie, keep this and don't let her out.
Это твоя жена Элинор!
Держи ключи и не выпускай её.

What about the bear?
Just stay put.
А что с медведем?
Никуда не уходи.