Урок 80876
В тексте есть встроенный словарь. В любой момент вы можете нажать на незнакомое слово, видео остановится, и появится перевод этого слова. Когда вы закроете словарь, видео снова продолжится с того места, где вы остановились.

Примечание: возможно, кому-то будут удобны спаренные (en-ru) субтитры с художественным переводом (ru). Эти субтитры
Oh, I'm sorry.

You'll find it's very comfortable.


Do shut up!


Cinderella! We'll have to wake her up.


Wake up, lazy bones!

Tea and a plate of biscuits.

Welcome back!

You look cheerful! And wet!

Oh, uh, I took a walk in the rain to cheer myself up (to cheer up фраз.гл. - подбадривать).



We did not communicate through mere words.

Our souls met.

Precisely. My soul and the prince's soul.

Your soul was over by the banquet tables.

You didn't see him dance with me.

Dance with you?

He didn't even speak to you.

It was not our fault, Mother. It was that girl.

The mystery princess.

Mystery princess?

My, what a charming notion.

Oh, she was no princess.

She was a preening (хорошенькая) interloper () who made a spectacle of herself.


A vulgar, young hussy marched into the ball, unaccompanied, if you will, and to the horror of everyone, threw herself at the prince.

And he actually danced with the ugly thing.



He was too polite to send her packing in front of everyone, you see.

But not wanting to expose us to the presumptuous (нахальный) wench any further, he took her apart. And told her off (to tell off фраз.гл. - отчитывать).

But she refused to leave and the palace guards chased her from the party!

I pity the prince. Such bad taste.

They belong with each other.

Well, it's no matter, girls.

The ball was a mere diversion (отвлекающий маневр).

The prince is not free to marry for love.

He's promised to the Princess Chelina of Zaragosa.

The Grand Duke told me himself.

It's so very unfair.


The way of the world.

Oh, hello again.

Thank you for your help.

It really was like a dream.

Better than a dream.

Ella couldn't wait to write down all that had happened, so that she might remember every single bit of it just as if she were telling her mother and father about the palace ball and her time with the prince.

Above all, the prince.

Oh, you've come.


Oh, Father.

Don't go.

I must.

You needn't be alone.

Take a bride.

The Princess Chelina.

What if I commanded you to do so?

I love and respect you, but I will not.

I believe that we need not look outside of our borders (идиом. - выходить за пределы, смотреть шире) for strength or guidance.

What we need is right before us.

And we need only have courage and be kind to see it.

Just so.

You've become your own man.


And perhaps, in the little time left to me, I can become the father you deserve.

You must not marry for advantage.

You must marry for love.

Find that girl.

Find her.

The one they're all talking about.

The forgetful one who loses her shoes....loses her shoes.

Oh, be cheerful, boy.

Thank you, Father.

Thank you, Kit.

I love you, son.

I love you, Father.

Once the time for mourning (траур) had passed, a proclamation was sent out.

Hear ye! Hear ye!

Hear ye!

Know that our new king hereby (настоящим) declares his love for...the mysterious princess...

as wore...glass slippers to the ball.

And requests that she present herself at the palace, whereupon (после чего), if she be willing,

he will forthwith marry her...with all due ceremony.

Are you looking for this?

There must be quite a story to go with it.

Won't you tell me?


All right then.

I shall tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl who married for love.

And she had two loving daughters.

All was well...but, one day, her husband, the light of her life, died.

The next time, she married for the sake of (идиом. ради чего-то/кого-то) her daughters.

But that man, too, was taken from her.

And she was doomed (обречен) to look every day upon his beloved child.

She had hoped to marry off one of her beautiful, stupid daughters to the prince.

But his head was turned by (to turn by - фраз.гл. - вскружить (голову)) a girl with glass slippers.

And so I lived unhappily ever after.

My story would appear to be ended.

Now, tell me yours.

Did you steal it?


It was given to me.

Given to you?

Given to you. Nothing is ever given.

For everything, we must pay and pay.

That's not true.

Kindness is free. Love is free.

Love is not free. Now, here is how you will pay me, if you are to have what you desire.

No one will believe you, a dirty servant girl without a family, if you lay claim (претендовать) to the prince's heart.

But with a respectable gentlewoman to put you forward, you will not be ignored.

When you are married, you will make me the head of the royal household.

Anastasia and Drisella we will pair off with wealthy lords.

And I shall manage that boy.

But he's not a boy.

And who are you?

How would you rule a kingdom? Best to leave it to me.

That way we all get what we want.



I was not able to protect my father from you, but I will protect the prince and the kingdom no matter what becomes of me.

Well, that is a mistake.



Why are you so cruel?

I don't understand it.

I've tried to be kind to you.

You? Kind to me?


And though no one deserves to be treated as you have treated me.

Why do you do it?

Why? Why?

Because you are young, and innocent, and good.

And I...

No! No!

May I ask where you got this?

From a ragged servant girl in my household.

The mystery princess is a commoner (простолюдинка).

You could imagine when I discovered her subterfuge (уловка) how horrified I was.

You told no one else?

Not even my own daughters.

No one need ever know the truth.

You've spared (избавить) the kingdom a great deal of embarrassment.

And I should like to keep it that way.

Are you threatening me?


So what do you want?

I should like to be a countess (графиня).

And I require advantageous (выгодный) marriages for my two daughters.


And the girl?


Do with her what you will.

She's nothing to me.

Abandoned on the side of the road.

And have you found her? The girl?

No, she's disappeared.

There must be some reason she vanished (исчезла).

Perhaps she has been prevented from speaking.

Do not lose heart, Kit.

On the contrary, lose heart (идиом. - отчаиваться) and gain wisdom.

The people need to know that the kingdom is secure.

That the king has a queen, and the land may have an heir (наследник).

They want to face the future with certainty!

Agreed! Then let us be certain.

I am king.

I say we shall seek out (фраз. гл. - разыскивать) the mystery princess, even if she does not want to be found.

I have to see her again.

But if she's not found...then for the good of the kingdom, you must marry the Princess Chelina.

For the good of the kingdom.

Very well, agreed.

But Your Highness...

But you will spare no effort.

Your Majesty, of course.

You have my word (идиом. - даю слово, клянусь).

Спаренные субтитры
Oh, I'm sorry.

You'll find it's
very comfortable.
Вы не представляете,
какая она удобная.


Do shut up!
Да замолчите вы!


We'll have to wake her up.
Надо её разбудить.


Wake up, lazy bones!
Вставай, лентяйка!

Tea and a plate of biscuits.
Чаю и тарелку печенья.

Welcome back!
С возвращением!

- You look cheerful!
- And wet!
- А ты довольная!
- И мокрая!

Oh, uh, I took a walk in the rain
to cheer myself up.
Гуляла под дождём,
чтобы развеяться.

Как обычно.


We did not communicate
through mere words.
Мы с ним говорили не словами.

Our souls met.
Общались наши души.

My soul and the prince's soul.
Всё верно.
Моя душа и душа принца.

Your soul was over
by the banquet tables.
А твоя душа торчала
у банкетного стола.

You didn't see
him dance with me.
Ты не видела,
как он со мной танцевал.

Dance with you?

He didn't even speak to you.
Да он вам не сказал
ни единого слова.

It was not our fault, Mother.
It was that girl.
Мы не виноваты, мама.
Это всё та девушка.

The mystery princess.
Таинственная принцесса.

Mystery princess?
Таинственная принцесса?

My, what a charming notion.
Какое милое описание.

Oh, she was no princess.
Никакая она не принцесса.

She was a preening interloper
who made a spectacle of herself.
Просто горделивая выскочка,
которая выставила себя дурой.


A vulgar, young hussy
marched into the ball,
Эта вульгарная нахалка
ворвалась в бальную залу

unaccompanied, if you will,
без всякого сопровождения

and to the horror of everyone,
threw herself at the prince.
и к всеобщему ужасу
набросилась на принца.

And he actually
danced with the ugly thing.
И ему пришлось
танцевать с этой уродиной.

- Yes?
- Yes.
- Да?
- Да.

Жалкое было зрелище.

He was too polite to send her packing in
front of everyone, you see.
Он был слишком учтив,
чтобы выгнать её при всех.

But not wanting to expose us
to the presumptuous wench any further,
И чтобы избавить нас
от этой высокомерной негодяйки,

- he took her apart.
- And told her off.
- он вывел её из зала.
- И отчитал.

But she refused to leave
Но она не желала уходить,

and the palace guards
chased her from the party!
и королевская стража
выгнала её из дворца!

I pity the prince.
Such bad taste.
Жалко мне этого принца.
У него дурной вкус.

They belong with each other.
Они с ней два сапога пара.

Well, it's no matter, girls.
Ну, всё это неважно, девочки.

The ball was a mere diversion.
Бал закатили для отвода глаз.

The prince is not free to marry for love.
Принц не может жениться по любви.

He's promised to the
Princess Chelina of Zaragosa.
Его рука обещана
принцессе Челине Сарагосской.

The Grand Duke told me himself.
Мне это сказал сам эрцгерцог.

It's so very unfair.
Как же это несправедливо!


The way of the world.
Так устроен мир.

Oh, hello again.
И снова здравствуйте.

Thank you for your help.
Спасибо, что помогли.

It really was like a dream.
Это было как сон.

Better than a dream.
Лучше, чем сон.

Ella couldn't wait to write down
all that had happened,
Элле не терпелось записать всё,
что произошло,

so that she might remember
every single bit of it
чтобы не забыть
ни единой мелочи,

just as if she were telling
her mother and father
словно она рассказывала
отцу и матери

about the palace ball
and her time with the prince.
о королевском бале
и встрече с принцем.

Above all, the prince.
В первую очередь
о встрече с принцем.

Oh, you've come.
О, ты пришёл.


Oh, Father.

Don't go.
Не уходи.

I must.

You needn't be alone.
Не оставайся один.

Take a bride.

The Princess Chelina.
На принцессе Челине.

What if I commanded
you to do so?
Что если бы я приказал тебе
на ней жениться?

I love and respect you,
but I will not.
Я люблю и уважаю тебя,
но не стану этого делать.

I believe that we need not look
outside of our borders
Я убеждён, что нам ни к чему
искать на чужбине

for strength or guidance.
ни военной мощи, ни совета.

What we need is right before us.
У нас есть всё, что нам нужно.

And we need only have courage
and be kind to see it.
Просто надо быть смелыми
и добрыми, чтобы это разглядеть.

Just so.
Всё верно.

You've become your own man.
У тебя появилась жизненная позиция.


And perhaps, in the little time
left to me,
И, возможно, за то недолгое время,
что мне осталось,

I can become the father you deserve.
я стану отцом, которого ты заслуживаешь.

You must not marry for advantage.
Не надо жениться по расчёту.

You must marry for love.
Ты должен жениться по любви.

Find that girl.
Найди эту девушку.

Find her.
Найди её.

The one they're all talking about.
Ту, о которой все судачат.

The forgetful one
who loses her shoes.
...loses her shoes.
Забывчивую девушку,
- которая теряет туфельки.
- ...теряет туфельки.

Oh, be cheerful, boy.
Не грусти, мой мальчик.

Thank you, Father.
Спасибо, отец.

Thank you, Kit.
Тебе спасибо, Кит.

I love you, son.
Я люблю тебя, сын.

I love you, Father.
Я люблю тебя, отец.

Once the time for mourning had passed,
a proclamation was sent out.
Когда истекло время траура,
вышел королевский указ.

Hear ye! Hear ye!
Слушайте! Слушайте!

Hear ye!

Know that our new king
hereby declares
his love for...
Да будет вам известно,
что наш новый король
заявляет о своей любви

the mysterious princess...
к таинственной принцессе,

as wore...
glass slippers to the ball.
которая танцевала на балу
в хрустальных туфельках,

And requests that she present herself
at the palace,
и просит её явиться во дворец,

whereupon, if she be willing,
где, если она пожелает,

he will forthwith marry her...
он немедля сочетается с ней

...with all due ceremony.
законным браком.

Are you looking for this?
Не это ищешь?

There must be quite
a story to go with it.
Должно быть, с ней связана
интереснейшая история.

Won't you tell me?
Не расскажешь?


All right then.
Ну ладно.

I shall tell you a story.
Я сама расскажу тебе историю.

Once upon a time,

there was a beautiful young girl
жила на свете юная красавица,

who married for love.
которая вышла замуж по любви.

And she had two
loving daughters.
И родила двух
очаровательных дочек.

All was well...
Все было хорошо,

but, one day, her husband,
но однажды её муж,

the light of her life, died.
светоч её жизни, скончался.

The next time,
Свой новый брак

she married for the sake
of her daughters.
она заключила ради дочерей.

But that man, too, was taken from her.
Но и этого мужчину у неё отняли.

And she was doomed to look every day
upon his beloved child.
И ей пришлось изо дня в день
любоваться его драгоценной дочкой.

She had hoped to marry off
one of her beautiful,
stupid daughters to the prince.
Она надеялась выдать
какую-нибудь из своих красивых
и глупых дочерей за принца.

But his head was turned
by a girl with glass slippers.
Но его голову вскружила
девушка в хрустальных туфельках.

And so...
И с тех пор

I lived unhappily ever after.
жила я долго и несчастливо.

My story would appear to be ended.
Моей сказке конец.

Now, tell me yours.
А теперь рассказывай свою.

Did you steal it?
Ты её украла?


It was given to me.
Мне её подарили.

Given to you?

Given to you.
Nothing is ever given.
Бесплатных подарков не бывает.

For everything,
we must pay and pay.
За всё приходится платить
снова и снова.

That's not true.
Но это не так.

Kindness is free.
Love is free.
Доброта даётся даром.
Любовь даётся даром.

Love is not free.
Любовь не даётся даром.

Now, here is how you will pay me,
И вот как ты мне заплатишь,

if you are to have
what you desire.
если надеешься получить то,
о чём мечтаешь.

No one will believe you,
a dirty servant girl without a family,
Никто не поверит тебе,
грязной безродной служанке,

if you lay claim
to the prince's heart.
если ты заявишь,
что это тебя любит принц.

But with a respectable gentlewoman
to put you forward,
Но если тебя приведёт
благородная дама,

you will not be ignored.
от тебя не отмахнутся.

When you are married,
Когда вы поженитесь,

you will make me the head
of the royal household.
ты сделаешь меня
первой статс-дамой.

Anastasia and Drisella
we will pair off with wealthy lords.
Анастасия и Дризелла
станут жёнами богатых лордов.

And I shall manage that boy.
А я буду управлять мальчишкой.

But he's not a boy.
Но он не мальчишка.

And who are you?
А кто ты?

How would you rule a kingdom?
Как ты будешь управлять королевством?

Best to leave it to me.
Лучше оставь это мне.

That way we all get
what we want.
И тогда все мы получим то,
чего хотим.



I was not able to protect
my father from you,
Я не сумела защитить от вас отца,

but I will protect the prince
and the kingdom...
но я уберегу принца и королевство,

no matter what becomes of me.
чего бы мне это ни стоило.

Well, that is a mistake.
Что ж, это ошибка.



Why are you so cruel?
Почему вы так жестоки?

I don't understand it.
Я не понимаю.

I've tried to be kind to you.
Я пыталась быть к вам доброй.

You? Kind to me?
Ты? Доброй ко мне?


And though no one deserves to be treated
as you have treated me.
Хотя вы обращались со мной так,
как с людьми не обращаются.

Why do you do it?
Почему вы это делаете?



Because you are young,
and innocent, and good.
Потому что ты молодая,
невинная и хорошая.

And I...
А я...



May I ask where you got this?
Могу я спросить, откуда она у вас?

From a ragged
servant girl in my household.
Я нашла её у своей служанки.

The mystery princess
is a commoner.
Таинственная принцесса -

You could imagine
when I discovered her subterfuge
how horrified I was.
Можете представить,
в какой ужас я пришла,
узнав о её уловке.

You told no one else?
Вы больше никому не говорили?

Not even my own daughters.
Даже своим дочерям.

No one need ever know the truth.
Никому не нужно знать эту правду.

You've spared the kingdom
a great deal of embarrassment.
Вы избавили королевство
от большого конфуза.

And I should like to keep it that way.
И я бы хотела, чтобы этого конфуза
не случилось и впредь.

Are you threatening me?
Вы мне угрожаете?


So what do you want?
И чего вы хотите?

I should like
to be a countess.
Я бы не отказалась
от графского титула.

And I require advantageous marriages
for my two daughters.
И ещё мне нужны выгодные партии
для обеих дочерей.

По рукам.

And the girl?
А девушка?


Do with her what you will.
Поступите с ней как вам угодно.

She's nothing to me.
Мне она никто.

Abandoned on the side of the road.
Лежала на обочине.

And have you found her?
The girl?
А её вы нашли?

No, she's disappeared.
Нет, она пропала.

There must be some
reason she vanished.
Не могла же она
исчезнуть без причины.

Perhaps she has been
prevented from speaking.
Возможно, её вынуждают молчать.

Do not lose heart, Kit.
Не отчаивайтесь, Кит.

On the contrary, lose heart
and gain wisdom.
Напротив, вам следует отчаяться
и обрести мудрость.

The people need to know
that the kingdom is secure.
Народ должен знать,
что королевство в надёжных руках.

That the king has a queen,
and the land may have an heir.
Что у короля есть королева
и однажды будет наследник.

They want to face the
future with certainty!
Людям нужна
уверенность в будущем!

Then let us be certain.
И вот в чём вы можете быть уверены:

I am king.
король - я.

I say we shall seek out
the mystery princess,
И я приказываю
искать таинственную принцессу,

even if she does
not want to be found.
даже если она не желает,
чтобы её нашли.

I have to see her again.
Я должен снова её увидеть.

But if she's not found...
Но если найти её не удастся,

then for the good of the kingdom,
you must marry the Princess Chelina.
то ради блага королевства
вы должны жениться на Челине.

For the good of the kingdom.
Ради блага королевства.

Very well, agreed.
Что ж, я согласен.

But Your Highness...
Но, ваше высочество...

But you will spare no effort.
Но вы не пожалеете сил.

Your Majesty, of course.
Ваше величество, разумеется.

You have my word.
Даю вам слово.