Урок 80874
В тексте есть встроенный словарь. В любой момент вы можете нажать на незнакомое слово, видео остановится, и появится перевод этого слова. Когда вы закроете словарь, видео снова продолжится с того места, где вы остановились.

Примечание: возможно, кому-то будут удобны спаренные (en-ru) субтитры с художественным переводом (ru). Эти субтитры
Now, where was I?

How did you...

Oh, yes. Let's see.

What we need is something that sort of says, "coach."


Oh, that trough (корыто)?

Doesn't really say "coach."

No, no, I'm liking fruit and veg.

Do you grow watermelons?


Cantaloupe (дыня)?

I don't even know what that is.



Beef tomato?

We do have pumpkins.


Pumpkins? This will be a first for me. Always interesting.

I don't usually work with squashes (кабачковые). Too mushy (мягкие).

Let me see. Oh, that'll do.


There you are. Thank you, darling.

Hello, my strangely orange vegetable friend.

A quick snip (надрез) for you.

Ah, lovely!

Ooh, heavy pumpkin!

Look out, mices!

Oh, well. Never mind.

Let's do it here.

Do what here?

Turn the pumpkin into a carriage.

You're making me nervous, actually.

Shall I shut my eyes?

It might be better.

Oh, for heaven's sake. Let's just go for it.


Well, something's definitely happening.

You see, the trick is...

Actually, I've forgotten what the trick is. Hmm.

I just thought, if it...If it does get much bigger...


Hang on (фраз.гл. - подожди).

Is that what you meant to do?

Do you think that's what I meant to do?

Run! Run, darling!

Take cover!

There! One carriage.

You really are my fairy godmother.

Of course.

I don't go about transforming pumpkins for just anybody.

Now, where are those mice?



Mice, mice, mice.

There they are.


Four white chargers (лошадки).

Gus-Gus, how fine you look!

But how did you...

Now, where are we?

Got carriage, horses… Uh, footmen (лакеи)!


Hello, lovely Mr. Lizard.



You called?

Now, I need that coachman.


Did I say "coachman"? I meant "goose."

I can't drive. I'm a goose.

Now, shoo!

Everyone into place, no time to be lost!

Come on!

Fairy Godmother!

Yes, what?

My dress. I can't go in this dress.

Can you mend (исправить) it?

Mend it?

No, no. I'll turn it into something new.

Oh, no, please don't. This was my mother's.

And I'd like to wear it when I go to the palace.

It's almost like taking her with me.

I understand.

But she wouldn't mind if I gee it up (украсить) a bit?

Wouldn't mind a nice blue?



It's beautiful.

She'd love it.

Now, come on. Off you go. Quick!

You'll be late!

I'm very new at this!

Oh, boy.

Stop that blooming coach!


Thank you.

Just a moment!

Are those the best you have?

It's all right. No one will see them.

No, they'll ruin the whole look. Quick, quick.

Take them off (to take off фраз.гл. - снимать). Really quite hideous (ужасный).

Let's have something new for a change.

I'm rather good at (to be good at something - быть хорошим, умелым в чем-то) shoes.


They're made of glass?


And you'll find they're really comfortable.

Ella, you really must go now.

Oh, Fairy Godmother?

What is it?

My stepmother and the girls?

Don't worry.

I'll make sure they don't recognize (узнать) you.

Now, off you go.

For you shall go to the ball.

Ah, in you get.

Oh, so lovely.

Oh, do stop wittering on (разг. болтать).


I almost forgot.

Remember, the magic will only last so long.

With the last echo of the last bell, at the last stroke of midnight, the spell will be broken and all will return to what it was before.



That's more than enough time.

Off you go then.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Goosey, go!


Chandeliers, aloft!

Princess Mei Mei of Fujian.

Princess Shahrzad of the Seljuqs.

Your Highness!

Princess Chelina of Zaragosa!

Princess Imani of Shona!

Princess Hiina of the Chrysanthemum Throne!

Lady Tremaine and her daughters.

The Lady Tremaine and her daughters.

I'm Drisella.

And I'm Anastasia.

People will want to know. I'm the clever one.

I'm very beautiful.

The very clever Miss Drisella, and the very beautiful Anastasia.

Do come on!

The Lord Veneering.

Who are you looking for (to look for фраз.гл. - искать)?

No one.

It's that girl in the forest, isn't it?

That's why you were so generous (щедрый) with the invitations.

Father, it was for the people.

I know you love the people, Kit.

But I also know that your head's been turned.

But you've only met her once, in the forest.

And you would have me marry someone I met once, tonight.

A princess.

It's a princess or nothing.

Hold the doors!

One more coming in.

May I present Her Royal Highness, the Princess Chelina of Zaragosa.

You are as handsome as your picture.

And your little kingdom is enchanting (очаровательный).

I hope the princess will not find our "little kingdom" too confining.

Miss Ella.

Thank you.

I'm frightened, Mr. Lizard.

I'm only a girl, not a princess.

And I'm only a lizard, not a footman.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, My Lords, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished visitors (уважаемые гости) and people of our land, the prince shall now choose his partner for the first dance.

Let our ball commence (начаться)!

Excuse me.

A thousand apologies, Your Royal Highness.

I don't know what happened.

Mr. Kit.

It's you, isn't it?

Just so.

Your Highness…If I may...that is… it would give me the greatest pleasure, if you would do me the honor of letting me lead you through this… the first...


Yes, dance.

That's it.

Спаренные субтитры
Now, where was I?
Так о чём мы говорили?

How did you...
Как вы...
Ах, да.

Oh, yes. Let's see.
Так, посмотрим.

What we need is something
that sort of says, "coach."
Нам нужно что-то,
что с натяжкой потянет на экипаж.

Oh, that trough?
Может, это корыто?

Doesn't really say "coach."
Оно не особо тянет на экипаж.

No, no, I'm liking fruit and veg.
Нет-нет, я думаю,
скорее фрукт или овощ.

Do you grow watermelons?
Дыни у тебя тут растут?



I don't even know what that is.
Я даже слова такого не знаю.



Beef tomato?
Томаты сорта «бычье сердце»?

We do have pumpkins.
У нас есть тыквы.



This will be a first for me.
В моей практике это будет впервые.

Always interesting.
Что всегда любопытно.

I don't usually work with squashes.
Обычно я с ними не работаю.

Too mushy.
Они мягковаты.

Let me see.
Oh, that'll do.
Вот эта подойдёт.

Yes. Knife?
Да. Нож?

There you are.
Thank you, darling.
Спасибо, дорогая.

my strangely orange vegetable friend.
Ну, здравствуй,
мой рыжий дружок.

A quick snip for you.
Я быстренько.

Ah, lovely!

Ooh, heavy pumpkin!
Тяжёлая тыква!

Look out, mices!
Берегитесь, мыши!

Oh, well. Never mind.
Ой. Ну ничего.

Let's do it here.
Мы и здесь справимся.

Do what here?
С чем справимся?

Turn the pumpkin into a carriage.
С превращением тыквы в карету.

You're making me nervous, actually.
Я из-за тебя нервничаю.

Shall I shut my eyes?
It might be better.
Мне закрыть глаза?
Пожалуй, так будет лучше.

Oh, for heaven's sake.
Let's just go for it.
Ну что, поехали.


Well, something's definitely happening.
Что-то определённо происходит.

You see, the trick is...
Понимаешь, вся штука в том...

Actually, I've forgotten
what the trick is.
Я забыла, в чём вся штука.

I just thought, if it...
Я вот думаю...

If it does get much bigger...
Если она ещё больше вырастет...


Hang on.

Is that what you meant to do?
Так и было задумано?

Do you think that's
what I meant to do?
Ты это серьёзно?

Run! Run, darling!

Take cover!
В укрытие!

One carriage.
Карета, одна штука.

You really are
my fairy godmother.
Вы и правда моя фея-крёстная.

Of course.
Ну конечно.

I don't go about
transforming pumpkins
for just anybody.
Я для кого попало
тыквы в кареты не превращаю.

Now, where are those mice?
Так, а где у нас мыши?


Mice, mice, mice.
Мыши, мыши, мыши.

There they are.
Вот они где.


Four white chargers.
Четвёрка белых лошадей.

how fine you look!
какой ты красавец!

But how did you...
Но как вы...

Now, where are we?
Так, на чём мы остановились?

Got carriage, horses...
Uh, footmen!
Карета есть, кони есть...


Hello, lovely Mr. Lizard.
Здравствуйте, мистер Ящерка.



You called?

Now, I need that coachman.
Так, теперь мне нужен кучер.


Did I say "coachman"?
I meant "goose."
Я сказала «кучер»?
А хотела сказать «гусь».

I can't drive.
I'm a goose.
Я не умею управлять каретой.
Я же гусь.

Now, shoo!
Так, живо!

Everyone into place,
no time to be lost!
Все по местам,
время не терпит!

Come on!

Fairy Godmother!

Yes, what?
Да. Что?

My dress.

I can't go in this dress.
В этом платье я поехать не могу.

Can you mend it?
Mend it?
Вы можете его починить?

No, no. I'll turn it into something new.
Нет, я превращу его в новое.

Oh, no, please don't.
Пожалуйста, не надо.

This was my mother's.
Его носила моя мама.

And I'd like to wear it
when I go to the palace.
И я бы очень хотела
отправиться в нём во дворец.

It's almost like
taking her with me.
Чтобы мама как будто
отправилась туда со мной.

I understand.

But she wouldn't mind
if I gee it up a bit?
Но она не стала бы возражать,
если бы я его слегка украсила?

Wouldn't mind a nice blue?
Скажем, добавила бы голубого?


Вот так.

It's beautiful.
Какая красота!

She'd love it.
Ей бы очень понравилось.

Now, come on.
Off you go.
Ну всё, давай.

You'll be late!

I'm very new at this!
Я это в первый раз делаю!

Oh, boy.

Stop that blooming coach!
Да останови ты!


Thank you.

Just a moment!

Are those the best you have?
Это у тебя лучшие туфли?

It's all right.
No one will see them.
Ничего страшного.
Их всё равно не видно.

No, they'll ruin the whole look.
Quick, quick.
Но они портят всё впечатление.
Скорее, скорее.

Take them off.
Really quite hideous.
Они чудовищны.

Let's have something
new for a change.
Давай для разнообразия
попробуем что-нибудь новенькое.

I'm rather good at shoes.
По туфелькам я мастерица.


They're made of glass?
Они хрустальные?


And you'll find they're really comfortable.
И ты не поверишь, какие удобные.

Ella, you really must go now.
Элла, тебе правда пора.

Oh, Fairy Godmother?

What is it?
Что такое?

My stepmother and the girls?
А как же мачеха и сестрицы?

Don't worry.
Не волнуйся.

I'll make sure they
don't recognize you.
Я сделаю так,
что они тебя не узнают.

Now, off you go.
А теперь езжай.

For you shall go to the ball.
Потому что ты отправляешься на бал.

- Ah, in you get.
- Oh, so lovely.

Oh, do stop wittering on.


I almost forgot.
Я чуть не забыла.

Remember, the magic
will only last so long.
Помни, чары продлятся недолго.

With the last echo of the last bell,
at the last stroke of midnight,
Когда стихнет отзвук колокола,
отбившего полночь,

the spell will be broken
чары рассеются

and all will return to what it was before.
и всё вернётся на круги своя.

В полночь?

В полночь.

That's more than enough time.
Времени хватит с лихвой.

Off you go then.
Thank you.
Ну тогда езжай.

Thank you.

Goosey, go!
Гусак, гони!

До свиданья!

Chandeliers, aloft!

Princess Mei Mei of Fujian.
Принцесса Мэй-Мэй Фуцзяньская.

Shahrzad of the Seljuqs.
Шехерезада Сельджукская.

Your Highness!

Princess Chelina of Zaragosa!
Принцесса Челина Сарагосская!

Princess Imani of Shona!
Принцесса Имани из Шонов!

Princess Hiina
of the Chrysanthemum Throne!
Принцесса Хайна
из рода Хризантем!

Lady Tremaine and her daughters.
Леди Тремейн и её дочери.

The Lady Tremaine and her daughters.
Леди Тремейн и её дочери.

I'm Drisella.
Я Дризелла.

And I'm Anastasia.
А я Анастасия.

People will want to know.
I'm the clever one.
Люди будут спрашивать.
Я из нас умная.

I'm very beautiful.
А я очень красивая.

The very clever Miss Drisella,
Очень умная мисс Дризелла

and the very beautiful Anastasia.
и очень красивая Анастасия.

Do come on!
Идёмте же!

The Lord Veneering.
Лорд Виниринг.

Who are you looking for?
Кого высматриваешь?

No one.

It's that girl in the forest, isn't it?
Девушку из леса, да?

That's why you were so generous
with the invitations.
Вот почему ты так щедро
рассылал приглашения.

Father, it was for the people.
Отец, это всё ради подданных.

I know you love the people, Kit.
Я знаю, что ты любишь подданных, Кит.

But I also know that
your head's been turned.
Но ещё я знаю,
что ты потерял голову.

But you've only met
her once, in the forest.
Но ты видел её всего раз,
тогда, в лесу.

And you would have me marry
someone I met once, tonight.
А ты хочешь женить меня на девице,
которую я увижу всего раз на балу.

A princess.
На принцессе.

It's a princess or nothing.
Либо на принцессе,
либо вообще ни на ком.

Hold the doors!
One more coming in.
Не закрывайте!
Ещё одна карета!

May I present Her Royal Highness,
the Princess Chelina of Zaragosa.
Рад представить её высочество
принцессу Челину Сарагосскую.

You are as handsome as your picture.
Вы так же хороши, как и на портрете.

And your little kingdom is enchanting.
А ваше маленькое королевство
просто очаровательно.

I hope the princess will not
find our "little kingdom" too confining.
Боюсь, принцессе,
оно покажется даже слишком тесным.

Miss Ella.
Мисс Элла.

Thank you.

I'm frightened, Mr. Lizard.
Мне страшно, мистер Ящерка.

I'm only a girl, not a princess.
Я простая девушка, не принцесса.

And I'm only a lizard, not a footman.
А я простая ящерица, не лакей.

Enjoy it while it lasts.
Радуйтесь, пока можно.

Your Majesty,
Your Royal Highness,
Ваше величество,
ваше королевское высочество,

My Lords, ladies and gentlemen,
почтенные лорды, дамы и господа,

distinguished visitors
and people of our land,
знатные гости
и жители нашего королевства,

the prince shall now choose his partner
for the first dance.
сейчас принц выберет партнёршу
для первого танца.

Let our ball commence!
И пусть начнётся бал!

Excuse me.
Прошу меня извинить.

A thousand apologies,
Your Royal Highness.
Тысяча извинений,
ваше высочество.

I don't know what happened.
Я не понимаю, что произошло.

Mr. Kit.
Мистер Кит.

It's you,
Это вы,

isn't it?

Just so.
Всё верно.

Your Highness...
Ваше высочество,

If I may...
если позволите,

that is...

it would give me
the greatest pleasure,
был бы счастлив,

if you would do me the honor of letting me
lead you through this...
если бы вы оказали мне честь
и станцевали со мной

the first...


Yes, dance.
Да, танец.

That's it.