Урок 80873
В тексте есть встроенный словарь. В любой момент вы можете нажать на незнакомое слово, видео остановится, и появится перевод этого слова. Когда вы закроете словарь, видео снова продолжится с того места, где вы остановились.

Примечание: возможно, кому-то будут удобны спаренные (en-ru) субтитры с художественным переводом (ru). Эти субтитры
You sound as if you're the first fellow (парень) ever to meet a pretty girl.

She wasn't a "pretty girl."

Well, she was a pretty girl, but there was so much more to her.

How much more? You've only met her once.

How could you know anything about her?

You told me you knew right away when you met Mother.

That's different. Your mother was a princess.

You would have loved her anyway.

I would never have seen her, because it wouldn't have been appropriate.

And my father would have told me what I'm telling you and I would have listened.

No, you wouldn't.

Yes, I would.

No, you wouldn't.

I would.

You wouldn't.

You're right.

Well, how is he?

Your Majesty...

Never mind.

If it takes that long to work out a way to say it, I already know.


Way of all flesh, boy.


We shall be late.

And punctuality is the politeness of princes.

His Majesty, the King!

I'm sure your father spoke to you of your behavior (поведение) in the forest.

Is it any business of yours, Grand Duke (герцог)?

Your business is my business, Your Royal Highness.

It will not do to let the stag (олень) go free.

Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done.

Or something like that.

Master Phineus, master of the paintbrush, patiently awaits.

Make him look marriageable (видный жених), Master Phineus.

We must attract a suitable bride, even if he won't listen to a word I say.

I shall endeavor (начать) to please, Your Majesty.

But I can't work miracles.

A splendid (великолепный) canvas, Master Phineus.

Thank you.

As if he knows anything about art.

So, these portraits will really be sent abroad?

To induce (стимулировать) the high and mighty to attend this ball you insist upon.

Which is a tradition. Which is beloved.

At which you will choose a bride.

Ah, fascinating.

If I must marry, could I not wed (жениться), say, a good, honest country girl?

How many divisions (подразделение) will this "good, honest country girl" provide us?

How will she make the kingdom stronger?

We are a small kingdom amongst great states, Your Royal Highness.

And it's a dangerous world.

Listen, boy.

Taking you up, Master Phineus. Good.

I want to see you and the kingdom safe.

All right, Father, on one condition (условие).

Let the invitations go to everyone, not just the nobility (аристократия).

The wars have brought sorrow (скорбь) on us all.

What do you think?

Would that please the people?

It's beyond my wit (остроумие), Your Majesty.

But I wouldn't mind a bit of a jolly (веселый).

I think we might have made a bargain (сделка).

A ball for the people, and a princess for the prince.

Sounds like a step in the right direction, if you ask...

We didn't ask you.

I'm so sorry.

Naughty (непослушный) paint, naughty brush.

Down, please, Samson.

Haven't even got a cushion (подушка).

Right, down, down.
Not that...

I'm on the ground.

I am literally on the ground. Sorry.

Actually this is a very good angle (угол) for you.

Great nostrils (ноздри). Could I have a longer brush?

You don't look well, miss.

Not at all.

Why do you stay there, when they treat you so?

Because I made my mother and father a promise to cherish the place we were so happy.

They loved our house and now that they're gone, I love it for them.

It's my home.

Hear ye! Hear ye!


"Know, "on this day, two weeks hence, there shall be held, at the palace, a Royal Ball.

"At said ball, in accordance (соответствие) with ancient custom, the prince shall choose a bride.

"Furthermore, at the behest (указ) of the prince, it is hereby (настоящим) declared that every maiden (девушка) in the kingdom, be she noble or commoner is invited to attend.

"Such is the command of our most noble king."

Excuse me, madam.

Ella was enormously (чрезвычайно) excited to see Kit, the apprentice.

And her stepsisters were mildly intrigued by the notion of meeting the prince.

I shall trick him into loving me.
See if I don't!

This is the most hugest news!

Calm yourselves.

Now listen to me.

One of you must win the heart of the prince.

Do that, and we can unwind (расплатиться) the debt in which we were ensnared (в ловушке) when we came to this backwater!

I, a princess?

Or rather, I, a princess?

Having delivered your news, why are you still here?

You must return to town right away and tell that seamstress (портниха) to run us up three fine ball gowns (платья).


That's very thoughtful of you.

What do you mean?

To think of me.

Think of you?

Mummy, she believes the other dress is for her.

Poor, slow, little Cinders.

How embarrassing.

You're too ambitious for your own good.

Oh, no. I only want to see my friend.

Let me be very clear.

One gown for Anastasia, one for Drisella, and one for me!

She doesn't know what that means.


That's settled then.

Now go!

Every girl in the kingdom will be chasing the prince.

You must get there first before the seamstress is drowning in work!

Tell me what she said, Drisella.

I speak French, not Italian!

Wake up, Your Royal Highness. You're in a daze (изумление).

I'm sorry.

You've been off since the hunt.

It's that wonderful girl. I can't stop thinking about her.

But there are plenty of girls.

But her spirit, her goodness...

You don't suppose she has a sister, do you?

I don't know.

I don't know anything about her.

Perhaps your mystery girl may come to the ball.

That is why you threw the doors open, is it not?


It was for the benefit of the people.

Of course.

How shallow of me (Как я мог подумать иначе?).

And if she comes, then what?

Then you will tell her you're a prince.

And a prince may take whichever bride he wishes.


Yes, "ha."

You know my father and the Grand Duke will only have me marry a princess.

Well, if this girl from the forest is as charming as you say, they may change their minds.

The day of the ball arrived and the entire kingdom held its breath in anticipation (предвкушение).

You want me to be your queen?

Who? Me?




That's it!

A vision, sister.


We must compete for the prince's hand.

But let it not mean we harbor dark thoughts against each other.

Of course not, dear sister.

I wouldn't dream of poisoning (отравить) you before we leave for the ball.

Oh, nor I of pushing you from a moving carriage on the way there.

Or I of dashing (разбить) your brains out on the palace steps as we arrive.

We are sisters, after all.

And blood is so much thicker than water (идиом. - кровь не вода = узы кровного родства сильнее других уз).

We shall let the prince decide.

What will he be like, I wonder?

What does it matter what he's like?

He's rich beyond reason.

Wouldn't you like to know a bit about him before you marry him?

Certainly not. It might change my mind (to change one’s mind идиом. - передумать).

I bet you have never ever spoken to a man. Have you, moon-face?

I have, once. To a gentleman.

Some menial (прислуга), no doubt.

Some 'prentice.

He was an apprentice, yes.

All men are fools, that's what Mama says.

The sooner you learn that, the better.

The first dance, milady?

Prince Charming, you're so naughty!

I want to try it.

No, I'm wearing it.

No! No!

Not for the first time,

Ella actually felt pity for these two schemers (интриганки), who could be every bit as ugly within as they were fair without.

My prince!

But I will be his queen!

If her stepmother would not have a fourth dress made, it seemed to Ella that there was no reason why she would not try to run it up (to run up фраз.гл. - быстро сшить) herself.

And besides, she did have a little help.

My dear girls.

To see you like this it makes me believe one of you might just snare (поймать в ловушку) the prince.

And to think I have two horses in the race!

I daresay no one in the kingdom will outshine (затмить) my daughters.


It cost you nothing.

It was my mother's old dress, you see.

And I took it up (to take up фраз.гл. - сделать) myself.


Cinderella at the ball!

No one wants a servant for a bride.

After all I've done I don't want to ruin anything.

I don't even want to meet the prince.

Oh, and you won't, because there's no question of your going.

But, all of the maidens (девушки) of the land are invited, by order of the king.

It is the king I am thinking of.

It would be an insult to the royal personage to take you to the palace dressed in these old rags (тряпки).


This was my mother's.

Oh, I'm sorry to have to tell you… but your mother's taste was questionable.

This thing is so old-fashioned it's practically falling to pieces.

The shoulder's frayed.

It's falling to bits.
And this!

It's a ridiculous, old-fashioned joke!

How could you?

How could I otherwise?

I will not have anyone associate my daughters with you.

It would ruin their prospects to be seen arriving with a ragged servant girl.

Because that is what you are.

And that is what you will always be.

Now mark my words!

You shall not go to the ball!

Go on, get going!

I'm sorry, Mother.

I'm sorry.

I said I'd have courage, but I don't. Not anymore.

I don't believe anymore.

Excuse me.

Can you help me, miss?

Just a little crust (корочка) of bread, or better, a cup of milk?


Yes, yes, yes.

I think I can find something for you.

Why are you crying?

Oh, it's nothing.



What is a bowl of milk? Nothing.

But kindness makes it everything.

Now, I don't mean to hurry you, but you really haven't got long, Ella.

How do you know me? Who are you?

Who am I?

I should think you'd have worked that one out (to work out фраз.гл. - разобраться).

I'm your hairy dogfather. I mean, fairy godmother!

You can't be.

Why not?

They don't exist.

They're just made up (выдуманный) for children.

Didn't your own mother believe in them?

Don't say no, because I heard her.

You heard her?

Oh, fiddle-faddle, fiddle-faddle.

Right! First things first.

Let me slip into something more comfortable.


That's better.

Спаренные субтитры
You sound as if you're the first fellow
ever to meet a pretty girl.
Будто ты первый парень на свете,
который встретил красотку.

She wasn't a "pretty girl."
Она не красотка.

Well, she was a pretty girl,
but there was so much more to her.
То есть красотка, конечно,
но это совсем не главное.

How much more?
You've only met her once.
А что главное?
Ты видел её всего раз.

How could you know
anything about her?
Что ты можешь о ней знать?

You told me you knew right away
when you met Mother.
Ты сам говорил, что в маму
влюбился с первого взгляда.

That's different.
Your mother was a princess.
Это другое.
Мама была принцессой.

You would have loved her anyway.
Ты бы всё равно в неё влюбился.

I would never have seen her,
Я бы с ней не познакомился,

because it wouldn't
have been appropriate.
потому что принцы
не знакомятся с простолюдинками.

And my father would have told me
what I'm telling you
И мой отец сказал бы мне то же,
что я говорю тебе,

and I would have listened.
и я бы его послушал.

No, you wouldn't.
Yes, I would.
Не послушал бы.

No, you wouldn't.
I would.
Не послушал.

You wouldn't.
You're right.
Не послушал.
Ты прав.

Well, how is he?
Как он?

Your Majesty...
Ваше величество...

Never mind.

If it takes that long to
work out a way to say it,
I already know.
Если вы так медлите с ответом,
всё и так ясно.


Way of all flesh, boy.
Все мы смертны, мальчик.


We shall be late.

And punctuality is the...
...politeness of princes.
А точность -
вежливость королей.

His Majesty, the King!
Его королевское величество!

I'm sure
your father spoke to you of
your behavior in the forest.
Ваш отец наверняка высказался
по поводу вашего поведения в лесу.

Is it any business
of yours, Grand Duke?
Вам-то что за дело, эрцгерцог?

Your business is my business,
Your Royal Highness.
Ваши дела - мои дела,
ваше королевское высочество.

It will not do to let the stag go free.
Негоже отпускать оленей.

Just because it's
what's done doesn't mean
it's what should be done.
То, что что-то делают всегда,
ещё не значит, что это правильно.

Or something like that.
Примерно так.

Master Phineus,
master of the paintbrush,
patiently awaits.
Мастер Финеус,
живописец, смиренно ждёт.

Make him look marriageable,
Master Phineus.
Изобразите его видным женихом,
мастер Финеус.

We must attract
a suitable bride,
Мы должны подыскать
подходящую невесту,

even if he won't listen
to a word I say.
даже если
он меня совсем не слушает.

I shall endeavor to
please, Your Majesty.
Я приложу все силы,
ваше величество.

But I can't work miracles.
Но я не волшебник.

A splendid canvas,
Master Phineus.
Великолепный холст,
мастер Финеус.

Thank you.

As if he knows
anything about art.
Как будто он хоть что-то
понимает в искусстве.

So, these portraits
will really be sent abroad?
Так что же, эти портреты
действительно разошлют по свету,

To induce the high
and mighty to attend
this ball you insist upon.
чтобы на бал, на коем вы настояли,
прибыли сильные мира сего?

Which is a tradition.
Which is beloved.
Это традиция.
И мы её любим.

At which you will choose a bride.
На балу ты выберешь невесту.

Ah, fascinating.

If I must marry, could I not wed, say,
a good, honest country girl?
Если я обязан жениться, могу ли я
выбрать славную честную селянку?

How many divisions will this
"good, honest country girl" provide us?
И много ли земель
мы получим за вашу селянку?

How will she make
the kingdom stronger?
Приумножит ли она
мощь нашего королевства?

We are a small kingdom
amongst great states,
Your Royal Highness.
Мы маленькое королевство
в окружении великих держав, принц.

And it's a dangerous world.
А мир опасен.

Listen, boy.
Послушай, мой мальчик.

Taking you up, Master Phineus.
Поднимаю, мастер Финеус.

I want to see you
and the kingdom safe.
Я хочу уберечь от беды
и тебя, и королевство.

All right, Father,
Хорошо, отец,

on one condition.
но с одним условием.

Let the invitations go to everyone,
not just the nobility.
Приглашения разошлют всем,
а не только знати.

The wars have brought
sorrow on us all.
Войны измотали нас всех.

What do you think?
А вы что думаете?

Would that please the people?
Это порадует наших подданных?

It's beyond my wit, Your Majesty.
Не мне судить, ваше величество.

But I wouldn't mind a bit of a jolly.
Но я бы от праздника не отказался.

I think we might have made a bargain.
Я полагаю, можно заключить сделку.

A ball for the people,
Подданным - бал,

and a princess for the prince.
а принцу - принцесса.

Sounds like a step in the right direction,
if you ask...
Мне думается, это верный шаг,
если вы спросите моего...

We didn't ask you.
Вашего мнения никто не спрашивал.

I'm so sorry.
Naughty paint, naughty brush.
Дерзкая краска, дерзкая кисть.

Down, please, Samson.
Опусти, Самсон.

Haven't even got a cushion.
У меня нет даже подушки.

Right, down, down.
Not that...
Ниже, ниже.
Да не так...

I'm on the ground.

I am literally on the ground.
Упал в буквальном смысле слова.

Actually this is a
very good angle for you.
Вообще-то этот ракурс
вам очень идёт.

Great nostrils.
Could I have a longer brush?
У вас красивые ноздри.
Кисть подлиннее, пожалуйста!

You don't look well, miss.
Вы неважно выглядите, мисс.

Not at all.
Вовсе нет.

Why do you stay there,
when they treat you so?
Почему вы от них не уйдёте,
раз с вами так обращаются?

Because I made my mother
and father a promise
Потому что я
пообещала отцу и матери

to cherish the place
we were so happy.
лелеять место,
где мы были так счастливы.

They loved our house...
Они любили наш дом,

and now that they're gone,
I love it for them.
и теперь, когда их нет,
я люблю его за них.

It's my home.
Это мой родной дом.

Hear ye! Hear ye!
Слушайте! Слушайте!


"Know, on this day,
two weeks hence,
«Знайте, что в этот же день
через две недели

"there shall be held, at the palace,
во дворце состоится

"a Royal Ball.
королевский бал.

"At said ball,
На этом балу,

"in accordance with ancient custom,
согласно древнему обычаю,

"the prince shall choose a bride.
принц выберет себе невесту.

Более того,

"at the behest of the prince,
по указу принца

"it is hereby declared that
every maiden in the kingdom,
на бал приглашаются
все девицы королевства,

"be she noble or commoner...
"is invited to attend.
хоть дворянки,
хоть простолюдинки.

"Such is the command
of our most noble king."
Таков приказ
нашего благородного короля».

Excuse me, madam.
Простите, мадам.

Ella was enormously excited
to see Kit, the apprentice.
Элла очень надеялась,
что там будет подмастерье Кит.

And her stepsisters were mildly intrigued
by the notion of meeting the prince.
А её сестёр радовала перспектива
знакомства с его высочеством.

I shall trick him into loving me.
See if I don't!
Уж я-то заманю его в свои сети.
Вот увидите!

This is th most hugest news!
Какая прекрасная новость!

Calm yourselves.

Now listen to me.
И слушайте меня.

One of you must win
the heart of the prince.
Одна из вас
должна завоевать сердце принца.

Do that,
and we can unwind the debt
in which we were ensnared
Сделайте это,
и мы сумеем заплатить долги,

when we came to
this backwater!
которые не дают нам
выбраться из этой глуши!

I, a princess?
Я стану принцессой?

Or rather, I, a princess?
Или я стану принцессой?

Having delivered your news,
Ты уже всё рассказала.

why are you still here?
Так чего ты тут стоишь?

You must return to town right away
Немедленно возвращайся в город

and tell that seamstress
to run us up three fine ball gowns.
и вели портнихе
сшить три изящных бальных платья.


That's very thoughtful of you.
Вы очень добры.

What do you mean?
В чём это?

To think of me.
Вы и обо мне подумали.

Think of you?
О тебе?

Mummy, she believes
the other dress is for her.
Мамуля, она думает,
что третье платье для неё.

Poor, slow, little Cinders.
Бедная глупышка.

How embarrassing.
Даже неловко.

You're too ambitious
for your own good.
Ты чересчур высокого мнения
о своих достоинствах.

Oh, no.
I only want to see my friend.
Я просто хочу увидеться с другом.

Let me be very clear.
Давай-ка я проясню ситуацию.

One gown for Anastasia,
Одно платье Анастасии,

one for Drisella,
другое Дризелле,

and one for me!
третье мне!

She doesn't know
what that means.
Она не понимает.


That's settled then.
Что ж, прекрасно.
Значит, решено.

Now go!
Беги же!

Every girl in the kingdom
will be chasing the prince.
За принцем будут охотиться
все девушки королевства.

You must get there first
before the seamstress is drowning in work!
Ты должна успеть к портнихе,
пока её не завалили работой!

Tell me what she said, Drisella.
А что она сказала, Дризелла?

I speak French, not Italian!
Я итальянского не знаю,
только французский.

Wake up, Your Royal Highness.
You're in a daze.
Проснитесь, ваше высочество!
Вы не здесь.

I'm sorry.

You've been off since the hunt.
И так с самой охоты.

It's that wonderful girl.
I can't stop thinking about her.
Это из-за той чудной девушки.
Думаю о ней не переставая.

But there are plenty of girls.
На свете есть много девушек.

But her spirit, her goodness...
Но её энергия, её доброта...

You don't suppose
she has a sister, do you?
I don't know.
А сестрицы у неё часом нет?
Не знаю.

I don't know
anything about her.
Я о ней ничего не знаю.

Perhaps your mystery girl
may come to the ball.
Может, ваша таинственная девушка
явится на бал.

That is why you threw
the doors open, is it not?
Вы ведь для этого решили
пригласить всё королевство, верно?

It was for the benefit
of the people.
Это ради блага подданных.

Of course.

How shallow of me.
Как я мог подумать иначе?

And if she comes, then what?
А если она придёт, то что?

Then you will tell her you're a prince.
Вы скажете ей, что вы принц.

And a prince may
take whicheverbride he wishes.
А принц волен
выбрать себе любую невесту.


Yes, "ha."
Да, ха-ха.

You know my father and the Grand Duke
will only have me marry a princess.
Сами знаете, отец и эрцгерцог
согласятся только на принцессу.

Well, if this girl from the forest
is as charming as you say,
Ну, если эта девушка из леса
так хороша, как вы расписываете,

they may change their minds.
они могут и передумать.

The day of the ball arrived
Наступил день бала,

and the entire kingdom
и всё королевство

held its breath in anticipation.
затаило дыхание в ожидании.

You want me to be your queen?
Стать вашей королевой?

Who? Me?
Кто? Я?




That's it!

A vision, sister.
Красавица, сестрёнка.

Ты тоже.

We must compete for the prince's hand.
Мы будем биться за руку принца.

But let it not mean
we harbor dark thoughts against each other.
Но это вовсе не значит,
что мы желаем друг другу зла.

Of course not, dear sister.
Конечно нет, милая сестрица.

I wouldn't dream of poisoning you
before we leave for the ball.
Я бы и не подумала
отравить тебя перед балом.

Oh, nor I of pushing you
from a moving carriage
on the way there.
А я по пути на бал не стала бы
выкидывать тебя из коляски.

Or I of dashing your brains
out on the palace steps as we arrive.
А я бы не разбила тебе голову
о дворцовые ступени.

We are sisters, after all.
Мы же всё-таки сёстры.

And blood is so much
thicker than water.
А кровь не водица.

We shall let the prince decide.
Пусть решает принц.

What will he be like, I wonder?
Интересно, какой он?

What does it matter what he's like?
Какая разница, какой он?

He's rich beyond reason.
Он невероятно богат.

Wouldn't you like to know a bit
about him before you marry him?
А ты бы не хотела
хоть немного узнать его до свадьбы?

Certainly not.
It might change my mind.
Конечно нет.
А то ещё передумаю.

I bet you have never
ever spoken to a man.
Готова поспорить, ты ни разу
даже не говорила с мужчиной.

Have you, moon-face?
Верно, замарашка?

I have, once.
Один раз говорила.

To a gentleman.
С джентльменом.

Some menial, no doubt.
Наверняка с каким-нибудь лакеем.

Some 'prentice.
Или подмастерьем.

He was an apprentice, yes.
Он и впрямь подмастерье.

All men are fools,
that's what Mama says.
Все мужчины дураки.
Так говорит мама.

The sooner you learn that,
the better.
Чем раньше ты это усвоишь,
тем лучше.

The first dance, milady?
Первый танец, миледи?

Prince Charming, you're so naughty!
Принц, да вы шалунишка!

I want to try it.
No, I'm wearing it.
Я хочу примерить.
Нет, это моё.

No! No!
Нет! Нет!

Not for the first time,
И уже не в первый раз

Ella actually felt pity
for these two schemers,
Элле стало жалко двух интриганок,

who could be every bit as ugly within
as they were fair without.
которые были так хороши снаружи
и так уродливы внутри.

My prince!
Мой принц!

Он полюбит меня!

But I will be his queen!
Но королевой стану я!

If her stepmother would not have
a fourth dress made,
Хотя мачеха не позаботилась
о четвёртом платье,

it seemed to Ella that
there was no reason why
Элла решила,
что ничто не мешает ей

she would not try
to run it up herself.
попытаться сшить его
своими руками.

And besides,
she did have a little help.
К тому же кое-какие помощники
у неё всё же имелись.

My dear girls.
Мои милые девочки.

To see you like this...
Вы сегодня так хороши,

it makes me believe one of you might
just snare the prince.
что я уже верю,
что принц достанется одной из вас.

And to think I have
two horses in the race!
И у меня в этом забеге
участвуют две лошадки!

I daresay no one in the kingdom
will outshine my daughters.
Никто в целом королевстве
не затмит моих дочерей.


It cost you nothing.
Вам оно не стоило ни гроша.

It was my mother's old dress, you see.
Это старое платье моей матери.

And I took it up myself.
И я сама его переделала.


Cinderella at the ball!
Золушка едет на бал!

No one wants a servant for a bride.
Кому нужна невеста-служанка?

After all I've done...
После всего, что я...

I don't want to ruin anything.
Я вам ничего не испорчу.

I don't even want to meet the prince.
Я и принца-то видеть не хочу.

Oh, and you won't,
because there's no question of your going.
И не увидишь,
потому что ты никуда не едешь.

But, all of the maidens
of the land are invited,
Но по указу короля
на бал приглашены

by order of the king.
все девушки королевства.

It is the king I am thinking of.
Как раз о короле я и думаю.

It would be an insult to the royal personage
Негоже оскорблять его величество

to take you to the palace
dressed in these old rags.
видом этих обносков.


This was my mother's.
Это платье носила моя мать.

Oh, I'm...
sorry to have to tell you...
Мне горько тебе говорить,

but your mother's taste
was questionable.
но у неё был
довольно своеобразный вкус.

This thing is so old-fashioned
Это платье ужасно старомодно,

it's practically falling to pieces.
да и рвётся буквально на глазах.

The shoulder's frayed.
Рукав оторвался.

It's falling to bits.
And this!
Оно прямо рассыпается.
И здесь тоже!

It's a ridiculous, old-fashioned joke!
Нелепое старомодное уродство!

How could you?
Как вы могли?

How could I otherwise?
Могла ли я поступить иначе?

I will not have anyone
associate my daughters with you.
Я не допущу, чтобы люди думали,
что у моих дочек такая родня.

It would ruin their prospects
to be seen arriving
with a ragged servant girl.
Если люди увидят,
что они прибыли с такой оборванкой,
это испортит их репутацию.

Because that is what you are.
Потому что ты и есть оборванка!

And that is what you will always be.
И навсегда ею останешься.

Now mark my words!
А теперь слушай внимательно!

You shall not go to the ball!
Ты не поедешь на бал!

Go on, get going!

I'm sorry, Mother.
Прости меня, мама.

I'm sorry.

I said I'd have courage,
but I don't.
Я обещала, что буду смелой,
но не могу.

Not anymore.
Больше не могу.

I don't believe anymore.
Я больше не верю.

Excuse me.
Прошу прощения.

Can you help me, miss?
Вы мне не поможете, мисс?

Just a little crust of bread,
or better, a cup of milk?
Не найдётся ли у вас корочки хлеба
или крынки молока?


Yes, yes, yes.
Да, да, да.

I think I can find something for you.
Я вам что-нибудь найду.

Why are you crying?
Почему вы плачете?

Oh, it's nothing.
Да так, мелочь.



What is a bowl of milk?
Что такое крынка молока?

But kindness makes it everything.
Но доброта наполняет её величием.

Now, I don't mean to hurry you,
but you really haven't got long, Ella.
Слушай, я не хочу тебя подгонять,
но времени у тебя мало, Элла.

How do you know me?
Откуда вы меня знаете?

Who are you?
Кто вы?

Who am I?
Кто я?

I should think you'd
have worked that one out.
Я думала, ты уже сообразила.

I'm your hairy dogfather.
Я твоя крея-фёстная.

I mean, fairy godmother!
То есть фея-крёстная!

You can't be.
Не может быть!

Why not?

They don't exist.
Фей не бывает.

They're just made up for children.
Это всё выдумки для детей.

Didn't your own mother
believe in them?
А разве твоя собственная мама
в них не верила?

Don't say no,
because I heard her.
И не говори, что нет,
потому что я её слышала.

You heard her?

Oh, fiddle-faddle, fiddle-faddle.
Болтаем да болтаем.

First things first.
Вот что!
Сначала разберёмся с делами.

Let me slip into
something more comfortable.
Дай-ка я переоденусь
в платье поудобнее.


That's better.
Так-то лучше.