Урок 80872
В тексте есть встроенный словарь. В любой момент вы можете нажать на незнакомое слово, видео остановится, и появится перевод этого слова. Когда вы закроете словарь, видео снова продолжится с того места, где вы остановились.

Примечание: возможно, кому-то будут удобны спаренные (en-ru) субтитры с художественным переводом (ru). Эти субтитры здесь
Remember the lace (кружево)!

I simply must have it!

And my parasol!

For my complexion (цвет кожи)! That means skin, if you don't know!


Bye, Ella!

I love you!

I love you, too!


Ella, dear.

Now, now. Mustn't blub (плакать).

Yes, Stepmother.

Oh, you needn't call me that.

"Madam" will do.

There isn't room for me and all of your clothes!

Well, then make yourself smaller!

Anastasia and Drisella have always shared a room.

Such dear, affectionate (ласковые) girls.

Or...Or better yet, disappear entirely!

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Sometimes I could scratch (выцарапать) your eyes out!

I think they're finding the sleeping quarters (помещения) rather confining (ограничивающий).

Oh, well, my bedroom's the biggest besides yours and Father's.

Perhaps they'd like to share it.

What a wonderful idea.

What a good girl you are.

I can stay in the...

The attic (чердак).Quite so.

The attic?


Oh, only temporarily, while I have all the other rooms redecorated.

The attic's so nice and airy and you'll be away from all of our fuss and bother (суета и шум).

You'd be even more cozy if you kept all this bric-a-brac (безделушки) up there with you.

Keep you amused.

Well… no one shall disturb me here.

Oh, hello, Gus-Gus.


Go on, Gus-Gus, you can do it.

So this is where you take refuge (убежище).

Me too, it would seem.


Who's going to help me?


That is the last straw (последняя капля).

Our little sister, up there, talking to the woodworm.

How very pleasant.

No cats and no stepsisters.

We have a halfwit (слабоумная) for a sister.

I've got two.

I heard that.

Who is she talking to?
She's mad.

Good morning.

Good morning, Miss Ella.

Good morning, Tom!

Hello. Don't mind if I...

What a lovely Chantecler. Well done.



Thank you, Miss Ella.

You're welcome.


Wake up, girls! It's lunch time!

Mornings did not agree with Ella's stepsisters.

And they lacked accomplishment (достижения)

in such domestic arts (домоводство) as keeping house.

In fact, they lacked accomplishment in any art.


Do shut up.

Ella's great comfort were the letters that Father would send from his travels.

The weeks away lengthened to months,

but every day would bring his thoughts from some distant part.

Miss Ella, it's the mail coach!

Until late one afternoon...

Farmer John?

Miss Ella.

It's your father, miss.

He took ill on the road.

He's passed on (скончаться), miss.

He's gone.

To the end, he spoke only of you, miss.

And your mother.

I was to give you this.

But what about my lace?

My parasol?

Can't you see? None of that matters.

We're ruined. How will we live?

Thank you.

It must have been very difficult for you.

How indeed to live.

Economies had to be taken.

Ella's stepmother dismissed (уволила) the household.

Her stepmother and stepsisters ever misused (злоупотребляла) her.

And by and by they considered Ella less a sister than a servant (служанка).

And so Ella was left to do all the work.

This was a good thing, for it distracted her from her grief (скорбь).

At least that was what her stepmother said.

And she and her two daughters were more than happy to provide Ella with lots and lots of distraction.

In their defense (защита), they did share with her the very food they ate,

or rather, the scraps (объедки) from their table.

She had little in the way of friends.

Well, her friends were very little.

There you are.

Have dinner with me, won't you?

But those friends she had, she treated with an open heart and an open hand.

Your table.

Sometimes, by the end of the day, the drafty (продуваемый) attic was too cold to spend the night in,

so she lay by the dying embers (угли) of the hearth (очаг) to keep warm.

I thought breakfast was ready.

It is, madam.

I'm only mending (поддерживать) the fire.

In future, can we not be called until the work is done?

As you wish.

Ella, what's that on your face?


It's ash (зола) from the fireplace.

Do clean yourself up.

You'll get cinders (зола, пепел) in our tea.

I've got a new name for her! Cinderwench.

I couldn't bear to look so dirty.

Oh, Dirty Ella.


That's what we'll call you.

Oh, girls, you're too clever.

Who's this for?

Is there someone we've forgotten?

It's my place.

It seems too much to expect you to prepare breakfast, serve it and still sit with us.

Wouldn't you prefer to eat when all the work is done, Ella?

Or should I say, "Cinderella"?



Names have power, like magic spells (заклятье).

And of a sudden, it seemed to her that her stepmother and stepsisters had indeed transformed her into merely a creature of ash and toil (труд).

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Quickly, my friend, or they'll catch you!


Whoa! Easy!

Perhaps it was just as well that Ella's stepsisters were cruel.

For had she not run to the forest, she might never have met the prince.

- Easy! Easy!
- Whoa! Whoa!

Easy, boy!

Come on, boy, slow down!


Miss! Are you all right?

Hold on!

I'm all right, thank you!

That's fine.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Are you all right?

I'm all right, but you've nearly frightened the life out (to frighten life out of somebody идиом. - пугать до смерти) of him.


The stag (олень).

What's he ever done to you that you should chase (гнаться) him about?

I must confess I've never met him before.

He is a friend of yours?

An acquaintance (знакомая).

We met just now.

I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine, and I just felt he had a great deal left to do with his life.

That's all.

Miss, what do they call you?

Never mind what they call me.

You shouldn't be this deep in the forest alone.

I'm not alone. I'm with you, Mister...What do they call you?

You don't know who I am?

That is...

They call me Kit.

Well, my father does when he's in a good mood.

And where do you live, Mr. Kit?

At the palace.

My father's teaching me his trade (торги).

You're an apprentice (подмастерье, ученик)?

Of a sort.

That's very fine.

Do they treat you well?

Better than I deserve, most likely.

And you?

They treat me as well as they're able.

I'm sorry.

It's not your doing.

Nor yours either, I'll bet.

It's not so very bad.

Others have it worse, I'm sure.

We must simply have courage and be kind, mustn't we?


You're right.

That's exactly how I feel.

Please don't let them hurt him.

But we're hunting, you see. It's what's done.

Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done.

Right again.

Then, you'll leave him alone, won't you?

I will.

Thank you very much, Mr. Kit.


There you are, Your High...

It's Kit! Kit!

Kit! I'm Kit. I'm on my way.

Well, we'd better get a move on (идиом. - поторопиться, шевелиться),

Mr. Kit.

As I said.

On my way.

I hope to see you again, miss.

And I, you.

Спаренные субтитры
Remember the lace!
I simply must have it!
Не забудьте про кружево!
Оно мне решительно необходимо!

And my parasol!
И зонтик привезите!

For my complexion!
Для цвета лица!

That means skin,
if you don't know!
Зонтик от солнца, если вы не поняли!


Bye, Ella!
Счастливо, Элла!

I love you!

I love you, too!
И я тебя!


Ella, dear.
Элла, дорогая.

Now, now.
Mustn't blub.
Ну, будет.
Не хнычь.

Yes, Stepmother.
Хорошо, матушка.

Oh, you needn't
call me that.
Не обязательно
называть меня матушкой.

"Madam" will do.
Меня вполне устроит «мадам».

There isn't room for me
and all of your clothes!
У меня вообще места нет
из-за твоей одежды!

Well, then make yourself smaller!
Ну так усохни!

Anastasia and Drisella
Анастасия и Дризелла

have always shared a room.
всегда жили в одной комнате.

Such dear, affectionate girls.
Милые, ласковые девочки.

Or better yet, disappear entirely!
А лучше...
Лучше вообще исчезни!

You'd like that, wouldn't you?
То-то ты бы обрадовалась!

Sometimes I could scratch
your eyes out!
Иногда меня подмывает
выцарапать тебе глаза!

I think they're finding the sleeping quarters
rather confining.
Кажется, они находят свою спальню
довольно тесной.

Oh, well, my bedroom's the biggest besides
yours and Father's.
Знаете, моя спальня самая большая
после вашей и отцовской.

Perhaps they'd like to share it.
Может, они поселятся в ней?

What a wonderful idea.
Что за чудесная мысль!

What a good girl you are.
Что за добрая девочка!

I can stay in the...
А я могу перебраться...

The attic.
На чердак.

Quite so.

The attic?
На чердак?


Oh, only temporarily,
while I have all the other rooms redecorated.
Это временно.
Пока я ремонтирую остальные комнаты.

The attic's so nice and airy
На чердаке очень славно,
свежий воздух,

and you'll be away from
all of our fuss and bother.
и ты будешь вдали
от нашей суеты и шума.

You'd be even more cozy
if you kept all this
bric-a-brac up there with you.
А если ты захватишь весь этот хлам,
тебе там будет ещё уютнее.

Keep you amused.
Будет чем заняться.

Что ж...

no one shall disturb me here.
Здесь меня никто не побеспокоит.

Oh, hello, Gus-Gus.
Здравствуй, Гас-Гас.


Go on, Gus-Gus, you can do it.
Ну давай, Гас-Гас, у тебя получится.

So this is where you take refuge.
Значит, вот где вы прячетесь.

Me too, it would seem.
Да и я, как видно, тоже.


Who's going to help me?
Кто мне поможет?


That is the last straw.
Сил моих больше нет.

Our little sister, up there,
talking to the woodworm.
Наша сестрёнка болтает
с деревянными стенами.

How very pleasant.
Как же чудесно.

No cats...
Ни котов,

and no stepsisters.
ни сестриц.

We have a halfwit for a sister.
Наша сестра - полоумная.

I've got two.
А у меня таких две.

I heard that.
Я всё слышала.

Who is she talking to?
She's mad.
С кем она разговаривает?
Она сумасшедшая.

Пой, пой, соловей

- Good morning.
- Good morning, Miss Ella.
- Доброе утро.
- Доброе утро, мисс Элла.

Good morning, Tom!
Доброе утро, Том!

Пой, пой...

Hello. Don't mind if I...
Не возражаете, если я...

What a lovely Chantecler.
Well done.
Какая славная несушка.


Доброе утро.

Thank you, Miss Ella.
Спасибо, мисс Элла.

You're welcome.


Wake up, girls!
It's lunch time!
Вставайте, девочки!
Обедать пора!

Mornings did not agree
with Ella's stepsisters.
Сводные сёстры Эллы
утро не жаловали.

And they lacked accomplishment
in such domestic arts as keeping house.
И отнюдь не блистали талантами
в области домоводства.

In fact, they lacked
accomplishment in any art.
Да и в любой другой области
они тоже талантами не блистали.

С пастушкой бродит пастушок
Тили-хей, тили-хо
Цветёт и роща, и лужок
Весна любовь ведёт...


Весна любовь ведёт...

Do shut up.
Замолчи ты уже.

Ella's great comfort
were the letters that Father
would send from his travels.
Утешением Элле служили
отцовские письма из странствий.

The weeks away lengthened to months,
Недели растягивались в месяцы,

but every day would bring his thoughts
from some distant part.
но каждый день он слал свои думы
откуда-нибудь издалека.

Miss Ella, it's the mail coach!
Мисс Элла, почтовая повозка!

Until late one afternoon...
Пока однажды на закате...

Farmer John?
Фермер Джон?

Miss Ella.
Мисс Элла.

It's your father, miss.
Ваш отец, мисс.

He took ill on the road.
Он захворал в пути.

He's passed on, miss.
Он отошёл в мир иной, мисс.

He's gone.
Он скончался.

To the end,
he spoke only of you, miss.
Перед смертью
он говорил лишь о вас, мисс.

And your mother.
И о вашей матери.

I was to give you this.
Он попросил меня
передать вам вот это.

But what about my lace?
А как же моё кружево?

My parasol?
А мой зонтик?

Can't you see?
None of that matters.
Вы не поняли?
Это уже неважно.

We're ruined.
Нам конец.

How will we live?
Как мы будем жить?

Thank you.

It must have been
very difficult for you.
Наверняка для вас
это было нелегко.

How indeed to live.
И действительно,
как теперь жить?

Economies had to be taken.
Пришлось сократить расходы.

Ella's stepmother dismissed
the household.
Мачеха Эллы
отказалась от прислуги.

Her stepmother and stepsisters
ever misused her.
Мачеха и сёстры
вечно помыкали Эллой.

And by and by they considered Ella
И постепенно Элла стала для них

less a sister than a servant.
не столько сестрой, сколько служанкой.

And so Ella was left
to do all the work.
Элле приходилось
выполнять всю работу.

This was a good thing,
for it distracted her from her grief.
И это было ей на пользу -
отвлекало её от горя.

At least that was what
her stepmother said.
По крайней мере,
так утверждала её мачеха.

And she and her two daughters
were more than happy
А уж она с дочерями
всегда была готова

to provide Ella with lots
and lots of distraction.
отвлечь Эллу новыми заботами.

In their defense,
they did share with her
the very food they ate,
В их оправдание заметим,
что они делились с ней своей едой,

or rather, the scraps from their table.
а точнее - своими объедками.

She had little in the way of friends.
Друзей у неё было мало.

Well, her friends
were very little.
Ну, то есть эти друзья
были маленькие.

There you are.
Вот вы где.

Have dinner with me, won't you?
Поужинаете со мной?

But those friends she had, she treated
with an open heart
Но к этим друзьям она приходила
с открытым сердцем

and an open hand.
и щедрой рукой.

Your table.
Ваш столик.

Sometimes, by the end of the day,
Порой на исходе дня

the drafty attic was too cold
to spend the night in,
на продуваемом ветрами чердаке
было слишком холодно,

so she lay by the dying
embers of the hearth
и тогда она засыпала
у тлеющего камина,

to keep warm.
чтобы не замёрзнуть.

I thought breakfast was ready.
Я думала, завтрак уже готов.

It is, madam.
Он готов, мадам.

I'm only mending the fire.
Я просто подкидываю дрова в огонь.

In future, can we not be called
until the work is done?
Впредь не зови нас до тех пор,
пока не управишься с работой.

As you wish.
Как пожелаете.

Ella, what's that on your face?
Элла, что у тебя на лице?


It's ash from the fireplace.
Это же зола из камина.

Do clean yourself up.
Иди умойся.

You'll get cinders in our tea.
А то ещё зола нам в чай попадёт.

I've got a new name for her!
Я придумала ей новое имя.

I couldn't bear to look so dirty.
Как можно быть такой неряхой?

Oh, Dirty Ella.
Грязная Элла.


That's what we'll call you.
Так мы тебя и будем звать.

Oh, girls,
you're too clever.
какие же вы у меня умницы.

Who's this for?
А это для кого?

Is there someone
we've forgotten?
Мы кого-то забыли?

It's my place.
Это моё место.

It seems too much to expect
you to prepare breakfast,
Это как-то чересчур:
ты и готовишь завтрак,

serve it and still sit with us.
и подаёшь,
да ещё и ешь вместе с нами.

Wouldn't you prefer to eat
when all the work is done, Ella?
Может, будешь завтракать,
когда закончишь работу, Эллушка?

Or should I say, "Cinderella"?
Или всё-таки Золушка?



Names have power,
like magic spells.
Имена обладают силой,
словно заклинания.

And of a sudden, it seemed to her
that her stepmother and stepsisters
Вдруг ей показалось,
что мачеха и её дочери

had indeed transformed her
into merely a creature of ash and toil.
и впрямь превратили её в существо из пепла,
созданное для каторжного труда.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Тпру, тпру!


Quickly, my friend,
or they'll catch you!
Быстрее, дружок,
а не то догонят!


Whoa! Easy!
Тпру! Тише!

Perhaps it was just as well that
Ella's stepsisters were cruel.
Возможно, жестокость сестёр
обернулась для Эллы удачей.

For had she not run to the forest,
Ведь если бы она не убежала в лес,

she might
never have met the prince.
она могла бы
никогда не встретить принца.

Easy! Easy!
Whoa! Whoa!
Тише! Тише!

Easy, boy!
Тише, мальчик!

Come on, boy, slow down!
Ну давай же, остановись!


Miss! Are you all right?
Мисс, вы в порядке?

Hold on!

I'm all right, thank you!
Все хорошо, спасибо!

That's fine.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Тпру, тпру, тпру!


Are you all right?
I'm all right,
Вы в порядке?
Я-то в порядке,

but you've nearly frightened
the life out of him.
а вот его вы до смерти напугали.


The stag.

What's he ever done to you
Чем он вам так насолил,

that you should chase him about?
что вы решили за ним погнаться?

I must confess I've never met him before.
Признаюсь, я вижу его впервые.

He is a friend of yours?
Он ваш друг?

An acquaintance.

We met just now.
Мы только что встретились.

I looked into his eyes,
Я посмотрела ему в глаза,

and he looked into mine,
он посмотрел в глаза мне,

and I just felt he had
a great deal left to do with his life.
и я почувствовала, что ему
много чего надо успеть в этой жизни.

That's all.
Вот и всё.

Miss, what do they call you?
Мисс, как вас величают?

Never mind what they call me.
Неважно, как меня величают.

You shouldn't be this
deep in the forest alone.
Не стоит вам
гулять в такой глуши в одиночку.

I'm not alone.
I'm with you, Mister...
Я не одна.
Я с вами, мистер...

What do they call you?
А вас как величают?

You don't know who I am?
Вы не знаете, кто я?

That is...

They call me Kit.
Меня зовут Кит.

Well, my father does
То есть так зовёт меня отец,

when he's in a good mood.
когда у него хорошее настроение.


where do you live, Mr. Kit?
Где вы живете, мистер Кит?

At the palace.
Во дворце.

My father's teaching me his trade.
Отец обучает меня своему ремеслу.

You're an apprentice?
Так вы подмастерье?

Of a sort.
Что-то в этом духе.

That's very fine.
Это прекрасно.

Do they treat you well?
А хорошо ли с вами обращаются?

Better than I deserve,
most likely.
Пожалуй, лучше,
чем я заслуживаю.

And you?
А с вами?

They treat me
as well as they're able.
Со мной обращаются так,
как умеют.

I'm sorry.
Мне жаль.

It's not your doing.
Вы тут ни при чём.

Nor yours either, I'll bet.
Могу поспорить, что вы тоже.

It's not so very bad.
Всё не так плохо.

Others have it worse,
I'm sure.
Уверена, есть люди,
которым приходится хуже.

We must...
Просто надо...

simply have courage
and be kind, mustn't we?
Быть смелыми и добрыми, правда?


You're right.
Вы правы.

That's exactly how I feel.
Я тоже так думаю.

Please don't
let them hurt him.
Пожалуйста, сделайте так,
чтобы его не тронули.

But we're hunting, you see.
It's what's done.
Но мы ведь на охоте.
А на охоте так делают всегда.

Just because it's
what's done doesn't mean
it's what should be done.
То, что так делают всегда,
ещё не значит, что это правильно.

Right again.
Вы опять правы.


you'll leave him alone, won't you?
Вы его не тронете, да?

I will.

Thank you very much, Mr. Kit.
Большое спасибо, мистер Кит.


There you are, Your High...
Вот вы где, ваше вы...

It's Kit! Kit!
Я Кит! Кит!

Kit! I'm Kit.
I'm on my way.
Кит! Я Кит!
Я сейчас.

we'd better get a move on,
Нам пора ехать,

Mr. Kit.
мистер Кит.

As I said.
Я же вам сказал.

On my way.
Я сейчас.

I hope to see you again, miss.
Надеюсь, я вас ещё увижу, мисс.

And I, you.
А я вас.