Урок 80871
В тексте есть встроенный словарь. В любой момент вы можете нажать на незнакомое слово, видео остановится, и появится перевод этого слова. Когда вы закроете словарь, видео снова продолжится с того места, где вы остановились.

Примечание: возможно, кому-то будут удобны спаренные (en-ru) субтитры с художественным переводом (ru). Эти субтитры
Once upon a time, there was a girl called Ella.

And she saw the world not always as it was,

but as perhaps it could be, with just a little bit of magic.

Ah, my darling!

To her mother and father, she was a princess.

True, she had no title (титул), nor crown, nor castle,

but she was the ruler of her own little kingdom,

whose borders were the house and meadow (поле) on the forest's edge

where her people had lived for generations (поколения).

With Mr. Goose and all their animal family.

Hello, there. What do you think you're doing?

Let the little ones have their share (to have one’s share of something идиом. - иметь свою долю, иметь что-то в достаточном количестве).

We don't want you getting an upset stomach (расстройство желудка).

Oh, Gus-Gus, you're a house mouse, not a garden mouse.

Isn't he, Jacqueline?

And you mustn't eat Mr. Goose's food.

Isn't that right, Mummy?

Do you still believe that they understand you?

Don't they, Mother?
Oh, yes.

I believe that animals listen and speak to us

if we only have the ear for (to have an ear for something идиом. - иметь слух) it.

That's how we learn to look after (фраз.гл. - присматривать) them.

Who looks after us?

Fairy godmothers (феи крестные), of course.

And do you believe in them?

I believe in everything.

Then I believe in everything, too.

Her father was a merchant (купец) who went abroad

and brought tribute (дань) back from all of Ella's subject lands.


Where are my girls, my beautiful girls?

Where are my darlings?

Ella missed him terribly when he was away.

But she knew he would always return.

There she is!

Papa, welcome home!

How are you?

You've grown!

Haven't you, now?

There you go, sir.

What was that?

Oh, this?

I found it hanging on (to hang on фраз.гл - висеть) a tree.

I think there may be something inside.

Oh, it's so pretty.

In French, that is un papillon.

Ouch. Ouch.

You're standing on my feet.

Shall we?

Look, Mummy!
I'm dancing!


Little papillon.

All was just as it should be.

They knew themselves to be the most happy of families to live as they did and to love each other so.

But sorrow (печаль) can come to any kingdom, no matter how happy.

And so it came to Ella's home.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you, Doctor.

This must have been very difficult for you.



Ella, my darling.

I want to tell you a secret.

A great secret that will see you through all (to see somebody through something идиом. - помогать в чем-то) the trials (невзгоды) that life can offer.

You must always remember this.

Have courage (мужество) and be kind.

You have more kindness in your little finger than most people possess in their whole body.

And it has power, more than you know.

And magic.

Have courage and be kind, my darling.

Will you promise me?

I promise.



And I must go very soon, my love.

Please forgive me.

Of course I forgive you.

I love you.

I love you, my darling.

I love you.

Time passed, and pain turned to memory.

In her heart, Ella stayed the same.

For she remembered her promise to her mother.

Have courage, and be kind.

Father, however, was much changed.

But he hoped for better times.

"And thence (оттуда) home, and my wife and I singing, to our great content (удовлетворение),

"and if ever there were a man happier in his fortunes (судьба), I know him not."

Thus (таким образом) ends Mr. Pepys for today.

I do love a happy ending, don't you?

They're quite my favorite sort.

As well they should be.

Ella I have come to the conclusion that it's time, perhaps to begin a new chapter.

Indeed, Father?

You'll recall (помнишь) that some time ago, in my travels,

I made the acquaintance (познакомился) of Sir Francis Tremaine.


The Master of the Mercer's Guild, is he not?


The poor man has died, alas (увы).

His widow (вдова), an honorable woman, finds herself alone,

though still in the prime of her life ( in the prime of life идиом. - быть в расцвете сил).

You're worried about telling me.

But you mustn't be.

Not if it will lead to your happiness.



Do you think I may be allowed one last chance, even though I thought such things were done with for good?

Of course I do, Father.

She'll merely (только лишь) be your stepmother.

And you'll have two lovely sisters to keep you company.

Have courage, be kind.

Welcome, ladies. Welcome!

She's skinny as a broomstick (метла)!

And that stringy (длинные) hair!

You're very nice.

Welcome. I'm so happy to meet you.

You have such pretty hair.

Thank you.

You should have it styled.

Oh. I'm sure you're right.

Would you like a tour of the house?

What did she say?

She wants to show us around her farmhouse.

She's proud of it, I think.

Do they keep animals inside?

How charming (прелестно).
How perfectly charming.


Her stepmother-to-be was a woman of keen (острый) feeling and refined (изысканный) taste.

And she, too, had known grief (скорбь).

But she wore it wonderfully well.

You did not say your daughter was so beautiful.

Oh, she takes after (to take after somebody фраз.гл. - пойти в кого-то, унаследовать) her...

Her mother.

Just so.

What does Mummy mean?

What's so charming about it?

She's lying. That's just good manners.

Shut up.

How long has your family lived here?

Over 200 years.

And in all that time, they never thought to decorate?

Anastasia, hush.

They'll think you are in earnest (всерьез).

Ella's stepmother, high-spirited (жизнерадостная) lady that she was, set out to (идиом. - задаваться целью) restore life and laughter to the house.

Oh, you are awful, Baron.

Ah, fortune favors (любит) me again.

Well, look who's having a party of their own.

Jacqueline, Teddy, Matilda, greedy Gus-Gus.


Just what...

Yes, what do you think you're up to (to be up to something идиом. - замышлять), Lucifer?

Jacqueline is my guest, and the eating of guests is not allowed.

Go on, now. You've plenty of cat food to keep you happy.

We ladies must help one another.

You're missing the party.

Oh, I imagine it's much like all the other ones.

And I'm leaving first thing, El.

No. But you're...

You're hardly back from the last trip. Do you have to go?

It's just a few months, my darling.

What would you like me to bring you home from abroad?

You know, your sisters uh, stepsisters, have asked for parasols (зонтик) and lace (кружево).

What will you have?

Bring me the first branch (ветка) your shoulder brushes on your journey.

That's a curious request (запрос).

Well, you'll have to take it with you on your way...

and think of me when you look at it.

And when you bring it back, it means that you'll be with it.

And that's what I really want.

For you to come back. No matter what.

I will.

Ella, while I'm away,

I want you to be good to your stepmother and stepsisters, even though they may be trying at times.

I promise.

Thank you.

I always leave a part of me behind, Ella.

Remember that.

And your mother's here, too, though you see her not.

She's the very heart of this place.

And that's why we must cherish (дорожить) this house, always, for her.

I miss her.

Do you?

Very much.

Спаренные субтитры
Once upon a time,

there was a girl called Ella.
жила на свете девочка
по имени Элла.

And she saw the world
not always as it was,
И порой она видела мир не таким,
каким он был,

but as perhaps it could be,
with just a little bit of magic.
а таким, каким он мог бы быть, -
чуточку волшебным.

Ah, my darling!
Моя милая!

To her mother and father,
she was a princess.
Для мамы с папой
девочка была принцессой.

True, she had no title,
nor crown, nor castle,
Да, у неё не было ни титула,
ни короны, ни замка,

but she was the ruler
of her own little kingdom,
но она управляла собственным
маленьким королевством,

whose borders were the house
and meadow on the forest's edge
границами которого были её дом
и луг на опушке леса,

where her people had lived
for generations.
где сменилось немало поколений
её подданных.

With Mr. Goose...
Там проживал мистер Гусь

and all their animal family.
и вся звериная братия.

Hello, there.
What do you think you're doing?
Что это вы делаете?

Let the little ones have their share.
Поделитесь с малышами.

We don't want you getting
an upset stomach.
Ещё не хватало,
чтобы у вас разболелись животы.

Oh, Gus-Gus,
you're a house mouse,
not a garden mouse.
Гас-Гас, ты же домашняя мышь,
а не садовая.

Isn't he, Jacqueline?
Ведь правда, Жаклин?

And you mustn't eat
Mr. Goose's food.
И не надо воровать еду
у мистера Гуся.

Isn't that right, Mummy?
Правда, мамочка?

Do you still believe
that they understand you?
Ты до сих пор веришь,
что они тебя понимают?

Don't they, Mother?
Oh, yes.
А разве нет, мама?
О да.

I believe that animals listen
and speak to us
Я верю, что звери и слушают,
и говорят с теми,

if we only have the ear for it.
кто способен их понять.

That's how we learn
to look after them.
Так мы учимся о них заботиться.

Who looks after us?
А кто заботится о нас?

Fairy godmothers, of course.
Разумеется, феи-крёстные.

And do you believe in them?
А в них ты веришь?

I believe in everything.
Я верю во всё.

Then I believe
in everything, too.
Тогда я тоже верю во всё.

Her father was a merchant
who went abroad
Её отец был купцом,
который ездил по миру

and brought tribute back from
all of Ella's subject lands.
и привозил дань изо всех стран.


Where are my girls,
my beautiful girls?
Где мои девочки,
где мои красавицы?

Where are my darlings?
Где мои любимые?

Ella missed
him terribly when he was away.
Когда он уезжал,
Элла ужасно по нему скучала.

But she knew
he would always return.
Но знала,
что он обязательно вернётся.

- There she is!
- Papa, welcome home!
- Вот она где!
- Папа, с приездом!

How are you?

You've grown!
А ты вытянулась!

Haven't you, now?

There you go, sir.

What was that?
А это что?

Oh, this?
Что? Это?

I found it hanging on a tree.
На дереве висело.

I think there may be something inside.
Кажется, там что-то лежит.

Oh, it's so pretty.
Как красиво.

In French, that is un papillon.
По-французски это «un papillon».

Ouch. Ouch.

You're standing on my feet.
Ты мне ноги отдавишь.

Shall we?

Look, Mummy!
I'm dancing!
Смотри, мама! Я танцую!


Little papillon.

All was just as it should be.
Всё было именно так, как надо.

They knew themselves to be
the most happy of families
to live as they did
Они понимали, что это счастье -
жить так, как они живут,

and to love each other so.
и так любить друг друга.

Лаванды цвет, дили-дили
Синий как лён
Я королевою буду

Ты - королём
Синий как лён, дили-дили

Лаванды цвет
Будешь влюблён, дили-дили

И я в ответ

But sorrow can come
to any kingdom,
Но беда может прийти
в любое королевство,

no matter how happy.
каким бы оно ни было счастливым.

And so it came to Ella's home.
И вот беда пришла в дом Эллы.

I'm so sorry.
Мне очень жаль.

Thank you, Doctor.
Спасибо, доктор.

This must have been
very difficult for you.
Наверняка для вас это было нелегко.



Ella, my darling.
Элла, моя хорошая.

I want to tell you a secret.
Я открою тебе один секрет.

A great secret
that will see you through
Очень важный секрет,
который поможет тебе

all the trials that life can offer.
преодолеть все жизненные невзгоды.

You must always remember this.
Всегда помни одну вещь.

Have courage and be kind.
Будь смелой и доброй.

You have more kindness
in your little finger
В одном твоём мизинце
больше доброты,

than most people possess
in their whole body.
чем у иных людей во всём теле.

And it has power,
more than you know.
И в ней есть сила, такая мощная,
что ты и представить не можешь.

- And magic.
- Magic?
- И волшебство.
- Волшебство?


Have courage and be kind,
my darling.
Будь смелой и доброй,
моя милая.

Will you promise me?

I promise.




I must go very soon, my love.
Мне придётся уйти, и очень скоро,
моя хорошая.

Please forgive me.
Прости меня, пожалуйста.

Of course I forgive you.
Конечно прощу.

I love you.
Я люблю тебя.

I love you, my darling.
Люблю тебя, моя хорошая.

I love you.
Я люблю тебя.

Time passed,
and pain turned to memory.
Время шло,
и боль стала воспоминанием.

In her heart, Ella stayed the same.
В душе Элла ничуть не изменилась.

For she remembered
her promise to her mother.
Ведь она помнила обещание,
данное матери.

Have courage, and be kind.
Будь смелой и доброй.

Father, however, was much changed.
А вот её отец сильно изменился.

But he hoped for better times.
Но он надеялся, что наступят
более светлые времена.

"And thence home,
«Затем - домой,

"and my wife and I singing,
to our great content,
и отужинав с дражайшей супругой
спели дуэтом.

"and if ever there were a man
happier in his fortunes,
Если и есть на свете человек
счастливей меня,

"I know him not."
я такого не видывал».

Thus ends Mr. Pepys for today.
Довольно на сегодня мистера Пипса.

I do love a happy ending, don't you?
Обожаю счастливые концовки. А ты?

They're quite my favorite sort.
Я тоже их предпочитаю.

As well they should be.
Хорошо, когда всё хорошо кончается.

I have come to the conclusion
that it's time, perhaps...
Я пришёл к выводу,
что, наверное, мне пора

to begin a new chapter.
открыть новую главу.

Indeed, Father?
Вот как, папа?

You'll recall that some
time ago, in my travels,
Ты помнишь, что не так давно
в своих странствиях

I made the acquaintance
of Sir Francis Tremaine.
я познакомился
с сэром Фрэнсисом Тремейном.


The Master of the Mercer's Guild,
is he not?
Он глава Гильдии торговцев шёлком,


The poor man has died, alas.
Бедняга скончался, увы.

His widow,
Его вдова,

an honorable woman,
весьма достойная женщина,

finds herself alone,
осталась одна,

though still in the prime of her life.
будучи во цвете лет.

You're worried about telling me.
Тебе трудно мне сказать.

But you mustn't be.
Но ты не переживай.

Not if it will lead to your happiness.
Не надо,
если это сделает тебя счастливым.



Do you think I may be
allowed one last chance,
Как думаешь,
заслужил я последний шанс,

even though I thought such things were
done with for good?
хотя и думал, что со мною
в этом смысле давно покончено?

Of course I do, Father.
Ну конечно, папа.

She'll merely be your stepmother.
Она станет тебе мачехой.

And you'll have two lovely
sisters to keep you company.
И заодно у тебя появятся
две милые сестрицы.

Have courage, be kind.
Будь смелой, будь доброй.

Welcome, ladies. Welcome!
Добро пожаловать, дамы!
Добро пожаловать!

She's skinny as a broomstick!
Тощая как швабра!

And that stringy hair!
И волосы свалявшиеся!

You're very nice.
Ты очень милая.

I'm so happy to meet you.
С приездом!
Я очень рада.

You have such pretty hair.
Какие красивые волосы.

Thank you.
You should have it styled.
Надо уложить их в причёску.

I'm sure you're right.
Наверное, ты права.

Would you like a tour of the house?
What did she say?
Показать вам дом?
Что она сказала?

She wants to show us around
her farmhouse.
Она хочет показать нам
свою ферму.

She's proud of it, I think.
Do they keep animals inside?
Наверное, она ей гордится.
А животных тут в доме держат?

How charming.
How perfectly charming.
Совершенно очаровательно.


Her stepmother-to-be
was a woman of keen feeling
and refined taste.
Её будущая мачеха была женщиной
весьма живой
и утончённой.

And she, too, had known grief.
Она тоже познала горе.

But she wore it wonderfully well.
Но справлялась она с ним
на диво хорошо.

You did not say your
daughter was so beautiful.
Ты не говорил,
что твоя дочь такая красавица.

Oh, she takes after her...
Это у неё...

Her mother.
От матери.

Just so.
Всё верно.

What does Mummy mean?
What's so charming about it?
О чём это матушка?
Что тут очаровательного?

She's lying.
That's just good manners.
Она лжёт. Из вежливости.

Shut up.

How long has your
family lived here?
Давно тут живёт ваша семья?

Over 200 years.
Больше двухсот лет.

And in all that time,
they never thought
to decorate?
И за всё это время
вы не додумались украсить дом?

Anastasia, hush.
Анастасия, тихо.

They'll think
you are in earnest.
Они могут решить,
что ты это всерьёз.

Ella's stepmother,
high-spirited lady that she was,
Мачеха Эллы,
будучи дамой весёлого нрава,

set out to restore life
and laughter to the house.
решила вернуть в дом жизнь и смех.

Oh, you are awful, Baron.
Вы отвратительны, барон.

Ah, fortune favors me again.
Фортуна снова мне улыбается.

Well, look who's
having a party of their own.
А кое-кто устроил собственный пир.

Jacqueline, Teddy, Matilda,
greedy Gus-Gus.
Жаклин, Тедди, Матильда
и жадный Гас-Гас.


Just what...
И что же...

Yes, what do you think
you're up to, Lucifer?
Что ты задумал, Люцифер?

Jacqueline is my guest,
and the eating of guests is not allowed.
Жаклин - моя гостья,
а гостей у нас есть не разрешается.

Go on, now.
You've plenty of cat food
to keep you happy.
Давай-ка, иди.
Для тебя полно кошачьей еды.

We ladies must help
one another.
Мы, дамы,
должны помогать друг другу.

You're missing the party.
Что же ты не выйдешь к гостям?

Oh, I imagine it's much
like all the other ones.
Не думаю, что этот приём
чем-то отличается от прочих.

And I'm leaving first thing, El.
И завтра рано утром я уезжаю, Эл.

No. But you're...
Нет! Ты же...

You're hardly back from the last trip.
Ты же только что вернулся.

Do you have to go?
Это так необходимо?

It's just a few months,
my darling.
Всего на несколько месяцев,
моя милая.

What would you like me
to bring you home from abroad?
Что тебе привезти из дальних стран?

You know, your sisters...
uh, stepsisters, have asked for
Знаешь, твои сёстры...
...сводные сёстры заказали

parasols and lace.
зонтики и кружево.

What will you have?
А тебе что привезти?

Bring me the first branch
your shoulder brushes on your journey.
Первую веточку, которая коснётся
твоего плеча в пути.

That's a curious request.
Любопытная просьба.

Well, you'll have to take it with you
on your way...
Тебе придётся возить её с собой
до самого возвращения

and think of me when you look at it.
и, глядя на неё, вспоминать меня.

And when you bring it back,
it means that you'll be with it.
А когда ты привезёшь её домой,
то и сам вернёшься.

And that's what I really want.
Я только об этом и мечтаю.

For you to come back.
Чтобы ты вернулся.

No matter what.
Что бы ни случилось.

I will.
Я вернусь.

Ella, while I'm away,
Элла, пока я буду в отъезде,

I want you to be good
to your stepmother
будь добра к мачехе

and stepsisters,
even though they may be...
и сводным сёстрам,
хоть порой с ними и бывает

trying at times.

I promise.
Thank you.

I always leave
a part of me behind, Ella.
Какая-то моя частица
всегда остаётся с тобой, Элла.

Remember that.
Не забывай об этом.

И мама тоже здесь,
хотя ты её не видишь.

And your mother's here, too,
though you see her not.

She's the very heart
of this place.
Она - само сердце этого дома.

And that's why we must
cherish this house,
always, for her.
И поэтому мы должны
лелеять этот дом, ради неё.

I miss her.
Я по ней скучаю.

Do you?
А ты?

Very much.