Урок 80507
В тексте есть встроенный словарь. В любой момент вы можете нажать на незнакомое слово, видео остановится, и появится перевод этого слова. Когда вы закроете словарь, видео снова продолжится с того места, где вы остановились.

Примечание: возможно, кому-то будут удобны спаренные (en-ru) субтитры с художественным переводом (ru). Эти субтитры
Tell the driver to hurry.

Yo, man, you wanna step on it, please?

Listen, lady, I'm driving as fast as I can.


Carl, is that you?

No, it's me, Oda Mae. Listen. Molly,I know what you think of me. I know what you think of me, but, look, you gotta talk to me. You are in serious danger. I got Sam here with me. We got to come in and talk to you.

Get the hell out of here. I'm calling the police.


Tell her to do it.

Fine. That's what we want you to do. We want you to call the police. But you've gotta let us in.


Look, don't you get it? Sam was not just accidentally killed. He was murdered. He found out that Carl was laundering money at the bank. Now, this guy Carl is dangerous I'm telling you, he tried to kill me. He's gonna try to kill you, too. You are in deep, deep trouble.

Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me?

Do you hear me?

Why are you doing this to me? I can't. I just... I just can't.

Oda Mae, Oda Mae, tell her she's wearing the shirt that I spilled the margarita on and the earrings I gave her for Christmas.

Molly, Sam says to tell you you're wearing the shirt that he spilled the margarita on and the earrings he gave you for Christmas. Don't you see? I'm not a fake, not about this. Give me a penny, quick.


Push a penny under the door, now.

What you be talking about, push a penny under the door?

Just do it.

Tell her it's for luck.

Sam says it's for luck.

We're between Greene and Mercer on Prince. It's the gray building right across from the post office. Thanks, Sergeant. Please hurry. We'll be waiting. All right. They're on their way.


So, what do we do now?

Just wait.

Is Sam here?


I'm sitting beside her.

He's sitting right beside you.

Sam, can you feel me?

With all my heart.

He says with all his heart.

I'd give anything if I could just touch you once more.

He says he wishes he was alive again, so he could touch you.

Me, too.

Okay. Okay, look. You can use me.

Use you?

You can use my body.

Use your body?

Just do it quick before I change my mind.

Molly? Molly, are you home?

It's Carl.


Fire escape.

What's happening to me?

Molly? Molly? Molly!

Son of a bitch.

Come on.

Molly, look. Look.

Oh, let's go. Let's go.


Just get away from us, Carl.


You're just a liar. Liar!

Molly, you got to listen to me. This woman's a thief.

She's a con artist (мошенник).


Why are you doing this?

Don't listen to her, Molly.


Just get away from us, Carl.

I've called the police.



Carl, why are you doing this?

Don't interfere (вмешиваться), Molly.

She's a thief.

All right, the check.

Just give me the check.

Carl, no.

Stay out of this, Molly!

Son of a bitch!

Keep out of this, Molly!

Get off of me!

Where is it? Where is it? Where is it, God damn it!

I gave it away.

You're lying to me.

Don't lie to me, God damn it!

The check.

I'll kill her, Sam. I swear to God, I'll kill her. Just... Look, just give me the check, Sam. Okay? I promise you I'll let her go if you'll just give it to me. Okay? Sam? Sam?


Oh, Carl.

What? No!

Are you two all right?



I can hear you.

Oh, God.

Sam? They're waiting for you, Sam.

I'll miss you. Your mother'd be proud.

I'm gonna miss you, too, Sam. You're all right.

Bye, Oda Mae.

Bye, Sam.

I love you, Molly. I've always loved you.


It's amazing, Molly. The love inside, you take it with you.

See you.

See you.


Спаренные субтитры
Tell the driver to hurry.
Скажи, чтобы ехал быстрее.

Yo, man, you wanna step on it, please?
Парень, прибавь газу.

Listen, lady, I'm driving as fast as I can.
Слушайте, леди, быстрей некуда.


Carl, is that you?
No, it's me, Oda Mae.
Карл, это ты?
Нет, это я - Ода Мэй.

Listen. Molly,
Выслушай меня.

I know what you think of me.
Я знаю, что ты обо мне думаешь

I know what you think of me,
but, look, you gotta talk to me.
но нам нужно поговорить.

You are in serious danger.
Ты в опасности.

I got Sam here with me.
Со мной здесь Сэм.

We got to come in and talk to you.
Нам надо поговорить с тобой.

Get the hell out of here.

I'm calling the police.
Я вызываю полицию.

Tell her to do it.
Скажи ей, пусть вызывает.

Fine. That's what we want you to do.
Отлично, мы этого и хотим.

We want you to call the police.

But you've gotta let us in.
Но ты должна нас впустить.

Look, don't you get it?
Ты что, не понимаешь?

Sam was not just accidentally killed.
Сэм был убит не случайно.

He was murdered.

He found out that Carl
was laundering money at the bank.
Он узнал, что Карл
отмывает деньги в банке.

Now, this guy Carl is dangerous.
I'm telling you, he tried to kill me.
Этот Карл опасен. Точно тебе говорю.
Он пытался убить меня.

He's gonna try to kill you, too.
Он и тебя попытается убить.

You are in deep, deep trouble.
У тебя крупные неприятности.

Why are you doing this to me?
Зачем ты это делаешь?

Why are you doing this to me?

Do you hear me?
Why are you doing this to me?
Ты слышишь?

I can't. I just... I just can't.
Я не могу...
Не могу...

Oda Mae, Oda Mae,
tell her she's wearing the shirt
Ода Мэй. Скажи ей...
что сейчас на ней футболка,

that I spilled the margarita on
на которую я пролил "маргариту"

and the earrings
I gave her for Christmas.
и сережки, которые я подарил
ей на Рождество.

Molly, Sam says to tell you
you're wearing the shirt
Сэм говорит, ты сейчас в футболке,

that he spilled the margarita on
на которую он пролил "маргариту"

and the earrings he gave you
for Christmas.
и в сережках, которые он
подарил тебе на Рождество.

Don't you see?
I'm not a fake, not about this.
Я не обманываю.
Не в этот раз.

Give me a penny, quick.
Дай мне монетку, быстрее.

Push a penny under the door, now.
Протолкни под дверью монетку.

What you be talking about,
push a penny under the door?
Протолкнуть монетку?

Just do it.

Tell her it's for luck.
Sam says it's for luck.
Скажи, что это на счастье.
Сэм говорит, это на счастье.

We're between Greene and Mercer
on Prince.
Это между улицами
Грин и Мёрсер.

It's the gray building right across
from the post office.
Серое здание, прямо
напротив почты.

Thanks, Sergeant. Please hurry.
We'll be waiting.
Спасибо, сержант.
Пожалуйста, скорей.
Мы ждём вас.

All right. They're on their way.
Всё, они едут.

So, what do we do now?
Just wait.
Что будем делать теперь?

Is Sam here?
Сэм здесь?


I'm sitting beside her.
Я сижу рядом с ней.

He's sitting right beside you.
Он сидит рядом с тобой.

Sam, can you feel me?
Сэм, ты можешь прикоснуться ко мне?

With all my heart.
Всем сердцем.

He says with all his heart.
Он говорит, всем сердцем.

I'd give anything
if I could just touch you once more.
Я бы всё отдал
только бы прикоснуться
к тебе ещё раз.

He says he wishes
Он говорит, что

he was alive again,
хотел бы ожить

so he could touch you.
чтобы прикоснуться к тебе.

Me, too.
Я тоже.

Okay. Okay, look.
You can use me.
Ладно. Слушай.
Ты можешь использовать меня.

Use you?
You can use my body.
Использовать тебя?
Воспользуйся моим телом.

Use your body?
Твоим телом?

Just do it quick
before I change my mind.
Только быстрей,
пока я не передумала.


Molly, are you home?
Молли, ты дома?

It's Carl.
Это Карл.


Fire escape.
Пожарная лестница.

What's happening to me?
Что со мной?




Son of a bitch.
Сукин сын.

Come on.

Molly, look. Look.

Oh, let's go. Let's go.


Just get away from us, Carl.
Уходи, Карл.

You're just a liar. Liar!
Ты лжец.

Molly, you got to listen to me.
This woman's a thief.
Молли, послушай!
Эта женщина - воровка.

She's a con artist.
Она аферистка.

Why are you doing this?
Don't listen to her, Molly.
Зачем тебе это?
Не слушай её, Молли.


Just get away from us, Carl.
I've called the police.
Не подходи, Карл.
Я вызвала полицию.



Carl, why are you doing this?
Don't interfere, Molly.
She's a thief.
Что ты делаешь?
Не вмешивайся, Молли.
Она воровка!

All right, the check.
Just give me the check.
Просто отдай чек.

Carl, no.
Карл, нет!

Stay out of this, Molly!
Не лезь, Молли.

Son of a bitch!
Сукин сын.

Keep out of this, Molly!
Молли, отойди!

Get off of me!

Where is it? Where is it?
Where is it, God damn it!
Где он?
Где он, чёрт подери?

I gave it away.
You're lying to me.
Я его отдала.

Don't lie to me, God damn it!
Не ври мне, чёрт подери!

The check.

I'll kill her, Sam.
I swear to God, I'll kill her.
Я убью её, Сэм!
Клянусь, я убью её!

Just... Look, just give me the check,
Sam. Okay?
Слушай. Просто отдай мне чек,
Сэм, ладно?

I promise you I'll let her go
if you'll just give it to me.
Обещаю, я её отпущу
если ты его отдашь.





Oh, Carl.
О, Карл.



Are you two all right?
Вы не ранены?



I can hear you.
Я слышу тебя.

Oh, God.
О, Боже.

Sam? They're waiting for you, Sam.
Сэм? Они ждут тебя.

I'll miss you.
Я буду скучать.

Your mother'd be proud.
Твоя мать бы тобой гордилась.

I'm gonna miss you, too, Sam.
Я тоже буду скучать, Сэм.

You're all right.
Ты молодец.

Bye, Oda Mae.
Прощай, Ода Мэй.

Bye, Sam.
Прощай, Сэм.

I love you, Molly.
Я люблю тебя, Молли.

I've always loved you.
Я всегда любил тебя.

Я тоже.

It's amazing, Molly.
Это удивительно, Молли.

The love inside, you take it with you.
Любовь не уходит.
Она остаётся с тобой.

See you.

See you.
