Урок 80501
В тексте есть встроенный словарь. В любой момент вы можете нажать на незнакомое слово, видео остановится, и появится перевод этого слова. Когда вы закроете словарь, видео снова продолжится с того места, где вы остановились.

Примечание: возможно, кому-то будут удобны спаренные (en-ru) субтитры с художественным переводом (ru). Эти субтитры
Oh, but this is great.


That's incredible (невероятно). There's gotta (have got to идиома — должен, должно) be at least seven or eight feet up there.

And 80 years of dust.

Look at all this height.We could put our bedroom upstairs, and that will leave us with all this space.

For what?

Just space.

One, two, three!

And four? Come on (фраз. гл — давай, вперед).


And five.

Watch... Watch this.

God, this place is huge.

It's beautiful.


You guys, it's absolutely incredible.


A little paint.

I'd say you could sell this tomorrow and double your money.

Carl, you're obsessed (одержимый).

A little bit.

Whoa, look.

Hey, it's an Indian-head penny.

It's a good omen (знак).

You're the good omen.

Oh, it's so great.

I had Rose move your 3:00 with Bob Kahan to 4:00, 'cause Gary Alan called at the end of the day yesterday and said he has to see you about the final painting bids (предложение, ставка) for the loft.

3:00 is the only time he could make it. Is that okay?


What are you doing?

Would you relax, man? Oh, I'm sorry.

This is not brain surgery you're going into.

Pitching these Japanese guys makes me so nervous.

Sam, you're going to be great. Okay?

I mean, what am I supposed to (to be supposed to — должен) say? I mean, I can't very well tell them my Swedish pom-pom girl joke, you know.

Those are great. Where'd you get those?

Nice, huh? Molly. What do you think? Are they me?

Oh, man, look at that. A Testarossa.

I think you ought to (следует) pay off (фраз. гл — оплатить, выплатить до конца) your Mustang first.

How you feeling? What'd the doctor say?

He said that it was contagious (заразный). That it was really...


Yeah. He said that I shouldn't even be coming in today.

What about the rash (сыпь)?

The rash?

The rash is also incredibly contagious. He said they've both been spreading.


On your genitals again?

Yeah, yeah. Right on the genitals. Basically everywhere. He said that I shouldn't touch anyone. Excuse me. I'm sorry.

You're sick.

I know.

Good morning, Paul.

Good morning, Carl. Sam.

Hey, Paul.

Morning, Mr. Wheat.

Morning, Susan. You are looking good.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Here it is.


Good morning, Sam.

Good morning, Rose.

Oh, listen, the Kobiashi people…

They're already here.

They're early.

I know.

Come here.

Oh, and Andy Dillon called...

How long have they been here?

About 10 minutes.

Andy Dillon called and he says he needs $900,000 transferred to Albany by 10:00.

By 10:00?


Excuse me.



Good morning.


Bill, hang on (фраз. гл — подождать, по висеть на линии) one second.

Dillon needs $900,000 in Albany by 10:00.

Can you transfer it to his payroll account (зарплатный счет)?

Yeah, I'm gonna need your MAC code.


Discretion, right? Got it.

You bet. I'll do it right now.

Okay, thanks.

Yeah. Bill, I'm going to call you back. Okay.

Okay, okay, that's fine. It's fine. It's fine!

Man, it's too far out (далеко).

Can you get this, man?

Where are you guys from, the New York City Ballet?


Saved your life.

You shit. You scared me to death. Why did you do that?

It's better than seeing this gorgeous body splattered all over the place.

Look out (фраз. гл — осторожнее! смотри!). Look out.

Grab it.

Sam, Mol, are you guys home?

That's Carl. Did you invite him?

Slave labor.



Hurry, help.

Oh, my God.

Near the bottom.

I got it.

Now go down.

What? Just down here?


Just right here?

Watch your toes.

I got it.

Hey, where do you want this?

In the bedroom.

Good girl.

God, this place looks great.


You like it, huh?

Like? Like is hardly the word. I had no idea it'd be this beautiful. It's incredible.

Molly, what about her?

Well, why don't we just leave her there until we get the other stuff in?

We can figure out (фраз. гл — разобраться, справиться)...

What are these?

Oh, let me show you.

Hey, you wanna help me lift this up?

What, here?



I just finished it. What do you think?

It's fantastic. I love it.

Sam, what's this chair doing here?

What do you mean? I love that chair.

I know you love this chair. But we discussed this and…

Yeah, I've had it forever.I mean just, when I watch TV, I sit in it.

Baby, this chair is ugly.


And it doesn't go with (фраз. гл — подходить, сочетаться) anything.

It goes with me.

You're right. It does.

We'll paint it.

We'll what?

You okay?

I'm fine.

What's the matter?


Are you worried about the promotion?

No, not really.

Then what? Is it moving in (to move in фраз. гл — въехать, переехать; здесь — съехаться) together?


I don't know. It's a lot of things. I just don't want the bubble to burst. It seems like whenever anything good in my life happens, I'm just afraid I'm going to lose it.

I love you. I really love you.


The pilot's first report of trouble was that he blew the number two engine, the one in the tail of the plane.

It was fully loaded.

Oh, Jesus, another one.

Oh, don't watch that.

I should cancel my LA trip. These things always happen in threes.

Sam, get serious. Besides, you lead a charmed life.

Oh, yeah. So did they. It's amazing, just like that. Blackout.

What are you doing?

I couldn't sleep.

Boy, I really must have passed out (to pass out фраз. гл — отключиться, уснуть, упасть в обморок). What time is it?

It's 2:00 a. m.

Oh, no. I hope it wasn't a masterpiece.

Well, it's not now.

Can I help?


Put your hands up here. Get them wet. Now, just let the clay (глина) slide between your fingers.

Oh, no.

What's the matter?

A glitch (сбой, ошибка). What's up?

The Mark Greenberg and Larry White accounts. I can't get in.The MAC code doesn't work.

No, I changed it.

You changed it? Why?

Nothing. I just want to nose around (вынюхивать, "совать нос") a bit.

Is something wrong?

Can you keep a secret?

Yeah, sure.

What's up?

There's too much money in these accounts.

Too much money?

That's impossible. How could there be...


Sam, this is going to take you hours. Let me do this.

It already has taken me hours.

Well, let me take it back and figure it out for you.

No, no, that's okay. It's... It's like a vendetta now.

Thanks, though. I appreciate (ценить) it.


If you start to go blind, just shout.


Listen, I was wondering, what are you and Mol doing tonight?

We're going to the theater. She wants to see Macbeth. I think she likes the guys in tights, personally.

You want to go?

No, thanks.

I want a full report, though.



Спаренные субтитры
Oh, but this is great.
Просто здорово.

That's incredible.
Ух ты!

There's gotta be at least seven
or eight feet up there.
Здесь до потолка 7
или 8 футов.

And 80 years of dust.
И столетний слой пыли.

Look at all this height.
Посмотрите, как высоко.

We could put our bedroom upstairs,
and that will leave us with all this space.
Спальню можно сделать наверху
и здесь останется много места.

For what?

Just space.
Просто так.

One, two, three!
Раз! Два! Три!

And four?
Come on.
И четыре?


And five.
И пять?

Watch... Watch this.
Осторожно, осторожно!

God, this place is huge.
Господи, как тут просторно.

It's beautiful.
О, Боже!

You guys, it's absolutely incredible.
Ребята, тут просто великолепно.


A little paint.
Чуть-чуть подкрасить...

I'd say you could sell this tomorrow
and double your money.
Точно, и продать
за двойную цену.

Carl, you're obsessed.
Карл, ты одержимый.

A little bit.
Немного есть.

Whoa, look.

Hey, it's an Indian-head penny.
Индейский пенни.


It's a good omen.
Хороший амулет.

You're the good omen.
Ты - мой амулет.

Oh, it's so great.
Здесь так здорово.

I had Rose move your 3:00
with Bob Kahan to 4:00,
Я попросил Розу перенести твою встречу
с Бобом Каганом с 3 на 4.

'cause Gary Alan called
at the end of the day yesterday
Вчера звонил Гарри Ален.

and said he has to see you
about the final painting bids for the loft.
Хотел договориться
о цене малярных работ.

3:00 is the only time he could make it.
Is that okay?
Он сможет встретиться
только в 3.


What are you doing?
Would you relax, man?

Oh, I'm sorry.
А? Извини.

This is not brain surgery
you're going into.
Это же не операция на мозг.

Pitching these Japanese guys
makes me so nervous.
От переговоров с этими японцами
меня в дрожь бросает.

Sam, you're going to be great. Okay?
У тебя всё получится, слышишь?

I mean, what am I supposed to say?
А что я им скажу?

I mean, I can't very well tell them my
Swedish pom-pom girl joke, you know.
Им же не расскажешь
анекдот про шведку, понимаешь...

Those are great.
Where'd you get those?
Где достал?

Nice, huh? Molly.
What do you think? Are they me?
Неплохой, да?
Молли купила.
Что скажешь? Идёт?

Oh, man, look at that. A Testarossa.
Взгляни-ка! Тестаросса.

I think you ought to pay off
your Mustang first.
Сначала расплатись за свой мустанг.

How you feeling?
What'd the doctor say?
Как ты себя чувствуешь?
Что сказал врач?

He said that it was contagious.
That it was really...
Он сказал, что болезнь заразная.


He said that I shouldn't even
be coming in today.
Он даже запретил мне
выходить на работу.

What about the rash?
А что с сыпью?

The rash?
С сыпью?

The rash is also incredibly contagious.
Сыпь... тоже очень заразная.
He said they've both been spreading.

Он сказал, что она
будет распространяться.

О, нет.

On your genitals again?
Она опять высыпала на гениталиях?

Yeah, yeah. Right on the genitals.
Да. Да, прямо на гениталиях.

Basically everywhere.
И по всему телу.

He said that I shouldn't touch anyone.
Он сказал, мне нельзя никого трогать.

Excuse me. I'm sorry.

You're sick.
Ты просто больной.

I know.
Я знаю.

Good morning, Paul.
Доброе утро, Пол.

Good morning, Carl. Sam.
Карл, Сэм, доброе утро.

Hey, Paul.
Morning, Mr. Wheat.

Morning, Susan.
You are looking good.
Сюзи, доброе утро.
Отлично выглядишь.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Ах, да, да.

Here it is.


Good morning, Sam.
Доброе утро, Сэм.

Good morning, Rose.
Доброе утро, Роза.

Oh, listen, the Kobiashi people...
They're already here.
Слушай, представители Кобиаши...
Они уже здесь.

They're early.
Так рано!

I know.

Come here.
Иди сюда.

Oh, and Andy Dillon called...
Звонил Энди Дилан...

How long have they been here?
Давно они здесь?

About 10 minutes.
Минут десять.

Andy Dillon called and he says
Звонил Энди Дилан

he needs $900,000 transferred
to Albany by 10:00.
и просил перевести в банк
Олбани 900.000 долларов к 10:00.

By 10:00?
К 10:00?


Excuse me.



Good morning.


Bill, hang on one second.

Dillon needs $900,000
in Albany by 10:00.
Дилан просил к 10:00 перевести
900.000 долларов в банк Олбани.

Can you transfer it
to his payroll account?

Yeah, I'm gonna need your MAC code.
Да, но мне нужен твой код доступа.


Discretion, right?
На отдельный счёт, ладно?

Got it.

You bet. I'll do it right now.
Займусь прямо сейчас.

Okay, thanks.

Yeah. Bill, I'm going to
call you back. Okay.
Билл, я тебе перезвоню.

Okay, okay, that's fine. It's fine. It's fine!
Всё, хорош. Хорош!

Man, it's too far out.
Чёрт, не достать.

Can you get this, man?

Where are you guys from,
the New York City Ballet?
Ребята, вы откуда,
из Нью-йоркского балета?


Saved your life.
Я спас тебе жизнь!

You shit. You scared me to death.
Чёрт! Ты меня до смерти напугал.

Why did you do that?
Зачем ты это сделал?

It's better than seeing this gorgeous
body splattered all over the place.
Всё лучше, чем увидеть
как это прекрасное тело грохнется на тротуар.

Look out. Look out.

Grab it.

Sam, Mol, are you guys home?
Сэм? Молли? Ребята, вы дома?

That's Carl. Did you invite him?
Ты пригласил Карла?

Slave labor.
Рабская сила.



Hurry, help.
Скорее, помоги.

Oh, my God.
О, Боже мой.

Near the bottom.
I got it.
Берись снизу.

Now go down.

What? Just down here?


Just right here?
Прямо тут?

Watch your toes.
I got it.
Береги пальцы.

Hey, where do you want this?
Куда это поставить?

In the bedroom.
В спальню.

Good girl.

God, this place looks great.
Боже, как здесь красиво.

You like it, huh?
Нравится, да?

Like? Like is hardly the word.
Нравится? Не то слово.

I had no idea it'd be this beautiful.
It's incredible.
Я и не думал, что
получится так красиво.

Molly, what about her?
Молли, а что с ней?

Well, why don't we just leave her there
until we get the other stuff in?
Оставь там, пока остальные
вещи не занесём.

We can figure out...
What are these?
А это что?

Oh, let me show you.
Давай покажу.

Hey, you wanna help me lift this up?
Помоги убрать.

What, here?


Ух ты.

I just finished it.
What do you think?
Только что закончила.
Как тебе?

It's fantastic.
I love it.
Мне нравится.

Sam, what's this chair doing here?
Сэм, что здесь делает это кресло?

What do you mean? I love that chair.
Ты о чём? Я обожаю это кресло.

I know you love this chair.
Знаю, но мы это уже обсудили и...

But we discussed this and...
Yeah, I've had it forever.
Оно у меня целую вечность.

I mean just, when I watch TV, I sit in it.
Когда я смотрю телевизор -
я сижу в этом кресле.

Baby, this chair is ugly.
Оно ужасное.

Ну и что?

And it doesn't go with anything.
И оно ни с чем не сочетается.

It goes with me.
Оно сочетается со мной.

You're right. It does.
Ты прав.

We'll paint it.
Мы его перекрасим.

We'll what?

You okay?
У тебя всё хорошо?

I'm fine.
Да. Хорошо.

What's the matter?
Что-то не так?


Are you worried about the promotion?
Ты волнуешься из-за повышения?

No, not really.
Нет, в общем.

Then what?
Is it moving in together?
Тогда из-за чего?
Это из-за того, что мы съехались?


I don't know. It's a lot of things.
Не знаю. Просто...
так много всего случилось.

I just don't want the bubble to burst.
Не хочу, чтобы всё лопнуло,
как мыльный пузырь.

It seems like

whenever anything good
in my life happens,
когда в моей жизни
случается что-то хорошее

I'm just afraid I'm going to lose it.
я просто боюсь это потерять.

I love you. I really love you.
Я люблю тебя.
Я так тебя люблю.

Я тоже.

The pilot's first report of trouble was
that he blew the number two engine,
Пилот сообщил о катастрофе после того,
как взорвался второй двигатель -

the one in the tail of the plane.
It was fully loaded.
в хвосте самолета...

Oh, Jesus, another one.
Господи, ещё один?

Oh, don't watch that.
Не смотри.

I should cancel my LA trip.
Надо отменить мой полёт.

These things always happen in threes.
Бог троицу любит.

Sam, get serious.
Сэм, не выдумывай.

Besides, you lead a charmed life.
К тому же, ты у меня неуязвим.

Oh, yeah. So did they.
Ну да, как и они.

It's amazing, just like that. Blackout.
Вот так раз, и... Темнота.

What are you doing?
Что ты делаешь?

I couldn't sleep.
Я не могла заснуть.

Boy, I really must have passed out.
А я отключился.

What time is it?
Который час?

It's 2:00 a. m.
2 часа.

Oh, no. I hope it wasn't a masterpiece.
О, нет.
Надеюсь, это не был шедевр.

Well, it's not now.
Уже нет.

Can I help?
Тебе помочь?


Put your hands up here.
Get them wet.
Положи сюда руки.

Now, just let the clay slide
between your fingers.
Пусть глина скользит
между пальцами.

Введите пароль.
Комбинированные счета:
$ 11.853.090.88

Oh, no.
О, нет.

What's the matter?
Что случилось?

A glitch. What's up?
Завал. Что у тебя?

The Mark Greenberg
and Larry White accounts.
Счета Гринберга и Вайта.

I can't get in.
The MAC code doesn't work.
Мне отказано в доступе.

No, I changed it.
Я поменял пароль.

You changed it? Why?
Поменял? Зачем?

Nothing. I just want
to nose around a bit.
Хочу кое-что разузнать.

Is something wrong?
Что-то не так?

Can you keep a secret?
Ты умеешь хранить тайны?

Yeah, sure.
Да. Конечно.

What's up?
А что такое?

There's too much money
in these accounts.
На этих счетах слишком
много денег.

Too much money?
That's impossible. How could there be...
Слишком много?
Не может быть.


Sam, this is going to take you hours.
Let me do this.
Сэм, у тебя на это неделя уйдёт.
Давай, я разберусь.

It already has taken me hours.
На это уже ушло порядочно времени.

Well, let me take it back
and figure it out for you.
Так давай я займусь.

No, no, that's okay.
It's... It's like a vendetta now.
Нет, всё нормально.
Теперь это уже вендетта.

Thanks, though. I appreciate it.
Всё равно спасибо.


If you start to go blind, just shout.
Начнёшь слепнуть - зови.

Ладно... Увидимся.

Listen, I was wondering,
what are you and Mol doing tonight?
Слушай, что вы с Молли
делаете сегодня вечером?

We're going to the theater.
She wants to see Macbeth.
Идём в театр.
На "Макбета".

I think she likes the guys in tights,
По-моему, Мол нравятся
парни в трико.

You want to go?
Хочешь, присоединяйся?

No, thanks.
Нет, спасибо.

I want a full report, though.
Но я хочу услышать полный отчёт.

